How Adrian Dalsus is changing musicians' lives through his knowledge of marketing

Sep 20, 2022

Find out the ways Adrian Dalsus combines his years of business experience and love of music to assist artists build thriving music careers.

After a decade of his marketing and advertising career, Adrian Dalsus had a flash of inspiration. What if he could bring his experience in marketing and his passion for music?

At the time, Adrian was running his own small-scale marketing company. businesses. Aiding clients from corporate companies to implement sales funnels and generate leads was fascinating, but something was missing.

The music industry has played a significant role in Adrian's life. Before his career in marketing, he had been involved in a band. The band was close to their big break after they were awarded a prize at a music festival and their track was featured on a popular broadcasting station from Venezuela -- but they weren't sure how to leverage that power.

"We missed many opportunities," Adrian remembers. "We didn't know anything about networking, writing press releases and branding, gaining press coverage, or taking our music outside the bubble of family and friends."

A few years later, Adrian realized that his marketing experience had given him invaluable knowledge which could assist musicians promote their work to release their music, as well as grow their fanbase. "How do we know that artists don't know all these things exist, that we can create campaigns, and which we could use our imagination to use marketing techniques to a music career ?"

A well-planned marketing strategy, Adrian theorized, could aid musicians in establishing their careers, and make the most of opportunities instead of waiting for opportunities to come along. So Adrian began to implement his ideas.

In the present, Adrian runs his own music marketing business, Despegue Musical . The publication , online courses , and digital products teach musicians how to distribute their work and be noticed in this challenging industry.

Along the way, Adrian cultivated a deep comprehension of his audience by conducting market research, following feedback from follower as well as putting his faith in his professional skill set.

This is how Adrian brought his experience from work with his love of music to build an audience and serve them well and develop products to allow them to shine.

Find and grow your audience through sharing your solutions

Adrian was all too familiar the pain points around marketing and promotion as well as his background in advertising gave him the skills to assist. It was just a matter of finding his audience.

"We undervalue the power that social media has," Adrian says. "We assume that because there is so much activity on social media that nobody would notice us. But at the time I launched my podcast there were people who reached out to me and expressed their gratitude to me for the work. They said they enjoyed it and advised me to go on with it."

In response to the demands of his fans, Adrian expanded his online presence to YouTube  which he advises:

"Research prior to pressing record."
"Research every title or thumbnails as well as the most the most popular subjects in your field. It's not a good idea to copy them directly instead, use what's successful as an inspiration to replicate for your own company. If you create excellent content and provide an answer in your video, people will acknowledge the fact that you did it."

In the present, YouTube is Adrian's most successful channel. "The majority of people who purchase my courses are connecting with me and coming across me via YouTube. It is my opinion that YouTube is the main source for creating content right now.

Put yourself in the customers' shoes to create relevant products

For you to design products that are appealing to your customers, you need be aware of their needs. Adrian makes use of audience feedback, professional know-how, and his experiences within the industry of music to help his students learn and give them practical suggestions.

At first, Adrian planned to produce perpetually-recorded courses using pre-recorded materials, which require less administrative work as opposed to live courses. The audience of Adrian's was inclined to live-based courses that had a the same start and ending time -- as well as a bigger time investment from Adrian -- so Adrian came up with an acceptable compromise.

The popular music marketing course includes pre-recorded modules so students can learn on their own. The course also has regular live calls with the group in which students are able to get help and get answers to their questions. Participants have exclusive access to Adrian, with the flexibility of self-paced courses.

Adrian also used audience feedback in the creation of mini-courses that can be more easily managed by musicians with packed schedules.

"At beginning, I designed long-term programs that took an incredibly long time to make and complete. However, I came to realize that many those who are musicians in particular are likely to be searching for quick wins. This is why I'm currently focusing on specialized mini courses," he shares.

The mini courses can be self-paced and don't include an element of live they're also less expensive than his more expensive course. Busy musicians love the bite-sized and action-packed workshops .

In order to decide on what topics to include in his lessons, Adrian leans into his knowledge of marketing, and then ponders his personal musical experience. "I do ongoing study and inquire with my fans what things they want to learn. In my experience, most times the people aren't aware of what they want," Adrian observes.

Since Adrian's previous self is his ideal customer, some ideas come from taking a look back at the past.

"I contemplate what Adrian who was a decade ago may have had in mind to have, and I develop courses around that."

As an example the time Adrian and his group recorded their first song and saved it to a CD and went straight to the biggest radio station , Caracas.

"We thought we could hand the CD to the receptionist, hoping that someone might find us and place us on the radio following week," he says. "I applaud us for having the courage to take action However, the world of music (and the actual world) isn't in this way."

Recalling the things he wishes he could have known about the business of music assists Adrian offer relevant and accessible materials for his students.

"I would love to have had a mentor that could advise me on how to make my music more visible in that moment. It could have helped me enhance my artistic talent in time, effort, and energy. It's why I'm so committed to supporting independent artists in the present, to help them get the most out of their creativity and songs."

Testimonials from Despegue Musical (via Google Translate, from Spanish to English)

What's the result? The students of his class are taking their music careers to the higher levels.

Select tools that place creators first

A well-tuned program, Adrian needed to find the right platform to run his projects.

Sometimes, it is simpler in the creation of your business online. "With  it, you can be sure that your website will look stunning whether both on desktop and mobile. Your site will not fail to load. Every button will function."

"I consider myself an ally, like is a part of my team. I'm not able to say the same in other tools."
"Although this may sound like a cliché It is important to know the core values, mission and mission of the organization? What is their plan for the future? Do they truly want to expand? Or did they develop a product or service that they're now trying to sell without any interest in improving it?"

Adrian offers his classes as mini workshops, courses, and bundles of product through . He also runs an online community that allows musicians to network and share their work, and also ask questions.

With the latest technology at the other side of him, Adrian has more bandwidth to create workshops, courses and other content for students of musicians. By listening to his audience and trusting his experience, Adrian's programs are topping the charts.

Three factors that can make a difference to the success of a creator: Niche, research, and consistency

According Adrian Adrian the three essential elements to be an effective creator: love of your niche, doing your research, and creating with determination and consistent.

Pick a niche you'll be committed to for the long-term

It can be tempting to be a follower of the latest trends, Adrian encourages creators to explore niches that excite and motivate the creators. It requires some self-reflection.

"First find yourself. What are you passionate about? do? What motivates you to get up every day?" Adrian asks. "For me the answer was music. The majority of the time you've had it present in your life for many years."

Make a list of your passions, hobbies, and passion projects. Your subject should be something you'll enjoy discussing every day for decades to come.

Explore existing resources to do market research

There's no reason to reinvent the wheel, you'll learn valuable lessons from examining what has worked for other creators in the field you work in.

Consistency and discipline

Finally, Adrian recommends working towards your objectives every day regardless of whether you're performing something that isn't very important. This will add up in time.

It's possible that you won't see immediate results, however, three years from now, you'll be miles ahead of where you were when you first started .

Adrian's hitting all the correct notes

Armed with his business skills, his lifelong love of music, as well as a thorough market analysis, Adrian teaches artists how to succeed in a demanding business. His students at Despegue Musical are prospering and so are he.

According to Adrian puts it, "If you do what you are passionate about, you're done working."

Are you thinking of starting your own online business? Sign up for a free account now and start sharing your passions today.