How can you market more than 100 seats in Your Online Course to one corporate client

Oct 3, 2024

The next financial year, the budget will be used for consultation, training and coaching between small and large organisations, non-profits and companies.

HTML0 56% that trainers are instructors or trainers who aren't experts directly from outside (experts like the ones that you).

The most interesting part is that over 50% of this training is provided on the web.

What I've Learned From Being the one to decide on the seven-figure budget for training

In the past, I was the chief learning officer of an organisation of a huge dimension. My budget of annual expenditure exceeded 7 figures.

I attended a variety of classes, from NLP to sales personnel and alkaline diets at our executive retreat to the drumming circle that we had for our company event. The course also covered everything else one would expect such as management and productivity, sales, etc.

What I've learned is this: If you can link what you're working on to outcomes which a business would like and desire They'll be more likely to work with you.

Why you should sell Your Online training courses to corporate clients is a Great Idea

Since I founded my own business offering training for experts and companies in the creation of courses and courses that have earned me millions of dollars from online course coaching and consulting sales for solopreneurs as for corporate customers. Below are some strategies to reach the same end:

1. It is possible to provide the option of providing several "seats" within your program to one client. Corporate clients have been able to buy 10, 20, 100 fifty or 250 seats at my courses for a cost between $179 and $1997.

2. It's possible to mix the online course you are taking with other offers like coaching group meetings via the internet, as well as an online or virtual course for implementation.

3. You can easily alter the course to accommodate an enterprise customer. Courses can be made more accessible to customers through a the course implement an in-person call which is exclusive to each participant from the business that is hosting the course. It is also possible to make an application with a link to ongoing projects and built on the content you impart during your class. There are many possibilities.

4. Getting corporate clients can help you get even more individual clients. Your experience of having worked with corporate clients can enhance the credibility of your offer to individuals clients.

An approach to sell an online course corporate clients before creating the course

If you haven't yet offered a course on the internet to sell? Pre-selling a corporate client an online course before creating it can be a powerful approach to clarify what you should include in your program and finance your development time.

It's not as complicated as you think. If I have meetings with clients from corporate I always help them with the process of research, after which I ask clients to tell me the things they'd like to incorporate as part of a online training program.

You can then reverse the process and market the information to your company clients or offer it to private clients.

What Do You Know About When Corporate Customers Buy the products you provide

Two questions should be asked to determine whether corporate clients will purchase your goods.

1. Do you have a subject that corporations want to learn more about?

Below are a few types of classes that businesses must offer every year:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Administrative Formation
  • Customer Service
  • Health and Wellness
  • Human Resources
  • Special Training and Instruction is required for specific industry-specific instruction
  • Information Technology
  • Leadership and Management
  • Marketing
  • Development and Personal Growth and Development
  • Efficiency and organizational efficiency
  • Sales Training
  • Software
  • Strategies, Creativity and Innovation
  • Team Development
  • Facilitation and Training

2. What is the relationship between my topic and what I picked in class correspond to an outcome that a business could invest in?

An easy method to persuade corporate clients to recognize the worth of your course is to connect the results the course produces to profits.

It's not difficult to understand the way to earn cash through taking classes in subjects such as the art of selling or social media marketing you think?

But, what if you're educating about a topic that has a lesser-known connection for example, sleep therapy?

Ask these two questions:

What will the outcome of my idea will have?

How does this performac ion relate to profitability?

Here are a few topics my clients have suggested for corporate clients:

Course Topics Class Topic What is the end outcome you're presenting? What does this outcome have to do with profit?
Sleep Therapy The process of bringing babies to sleep
  • The parents of babies and small youngsters are often sleep deficient.
  • Sleep deprivation results in lower productivity
  • The lack of sleep can cause parents to think about whether they want to return to work.
Boundaries A great way to participate with your team members is to engage in discussions that do not interfere with the work of your group
  • It can be difficult for some to avoid having difficult discussions
  • The lack of tough conversations hinders the team from meeting deadlines and achieving the goals
Writing How can you write persuasive copy?
  • Marketing copy that is more effective boosts sales
  • Content that is well written online, such as email and blogs, or in technical guides could increase the customer's satisfaction.
Storytelling What are you going to share with others your "Hero's Journey" account?
  • Storytelling creates emotional connection
  • Customers are able to make money from brands that they feel an emotional connection to
  • A strong emotional connection with the company can boost number of sales

If you're an experienced consultant professional, coach, freelancer speaker, author or small-sized business There's an enormous opportunity for you working in small and large companies, as well as non-profits and associations.

The next webcast is open to the public. We'll discuss the methods to obtain corporate clients. The topics covered will be:

  • Who purchases the items they purchase, and what they're paying for, and how can you tell whether they purchase what you have to offer
  • What you need to never say during a conversation with potential corporate customers (this may lead to the murky waters of "We'll be to talk with you" ..." and it is almost never a catalyst for an actual purchase)
  • This is the most effective way for moving from offering courses online, or other services with a single registration at a time, and selling bundles comprising 50 or 100 to a single company
  • This is the primary step to take before answering the phone or write an email to make sure that your customers feel that you are able to provide value what you provide and be likely to buy your products (most clients don't take this step and fail to make it to the starting level)
  • An extremely effective four-part conversation frame for facilitating a dialog with your client that leads close to a sale

   Are you wondering if medium, small or large companies are ready to put their money into your education? Here's a way to enable you to obtain "How to Know the corporate clients who are willing to invest in your skills 100 Training Topics that Corporate clients will buy this year" guide.

Jeanine Blackwell is creator of Create 6-Figure Courses(r) as well as The Launch Lab. She has assisted a variety of experts create and launch effective online courses and designed international online courses for major brands such as Estee Lauder, Aveda, 3M, Disney, Samsung, Princess Cruises, Boeing, Sotheby's, and Smithsonian Institute. Jeanine discusses methods of studying online and digital marketing. She has also performed in stage performances with some influential influencers like Marianne Williamson, Daniel Pink, Marcus Buckingham, and Deepak Chopra.

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