How Do You Make Your Coaching Program Available On-line

Feb 18, 2024

What can you do to create an online edition of the application to scale without losing contact with your clients?

In order to answer the question, we spoke with Jeanine Blackwell who is the creator of Creator Six Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp, as part of the Coach to Course series.

Jeanine has assisted thousands of entrepreneurs, experts and professionals to discover their talents and showcase their talents to the world with online training classes. In an interview, she discussed strategies on taking material that was developed in the individual coaching program and make it available online in a format.

Check out the video below to listen to all the specifics of Jeanine's suggestions on how to take the personal coaching program you want via the internet!

It is possible to narrow your focus

Coaches are aware of the transformation you can create when working one-on-one with your clients. What is the best way to create similar results with a model that is one-to-many, like an online course?

One of the major obstacles that instructors face when creating an online course that is highly regarded is that they're not sufficiently specific in the content of their classes. This often happens as a desire to aid numerous people, and also as a desire to impart everything they know.

However, going too wide will result in your course getting hidden among the maze of. Similar to that creating a course that is all-encompassing will likely result in a course which is too lengthy and challenging for any student to take on.

For help in overcoming this obstacle To overcome this challenge, here are two points to keep in mind to narrow your focus.

Concentrate on the people you want to reach. Consider who you can provide the greatest value and be as specific as you possibly can.

   Next, you should narrow your search by the outcomes. Next, think about the things that your target group needs to know and be able to achieve, as well as how you can you can guide them towards the goal you want to achieve.

Based on the answers of these questions, you could develop an offer which speaks specifically to these two angles. The result is that you will be able to draw focus to the right people much faster.

Create a result-driven online coaching program

To ensure that your program on the internet will continue to transform your customers, you must be focused on the goal you want for them to attain.

If you're preparing for the creation of your course it is easy to be caught up in a list of the ideas you have for information to aid students in the course. The fact is that more content doesn't always indicate an improved course.

In reality, the quicker you're able to move your customer towards their goal the more quickly. For determining which element of information in your plan, ask you: is this essential to equipping them to achieve the goal?

Be focused on the outcome. Define the core capabilities they require. Then, create your content around these components.

Best online content formats to create amazing learning experience

It's not a secret that individuals differ in their approach to learning. As you create your online coaching programs, it's ideal to use diverse content types to keep students interested.

To create transformative learning experiences, your course must include elements that encourage students to take their learning past passive learning into active. Through incorporating activities or other tasks to take part in it that you can connect to every kind of student throughout your curriculum.

A good exercise to identify the approach you should take when creating the material you will be creating is to imagine yourself lecturing at a conference. If you have more than a thousand people in the audience, how would you structure your course to teach everyone all at once? What can you do to animate the concepts you're teaching?

What thoughts came up in the course scenario are able to be accomplished through an online course. The benefits of learning online are more than simply watching videos or completing exercises. Be prepared to think outside the box and be innovative. Below are a few different strategies you could employ to accomplish your goals.

  • Make notes on the actions and observations in a book.
  • Make communities that have discussions. Students are encouraged to share their ideas about what they've learned and jump in to help with the discussions.
  • Create touch points within your curriculum to allow for reflection and to identify the key points of the course.

To see examples of the method Jeanine assists her clients in the method of narrowing their scope and identifying suitable content types, take one look at the video!

Avoiding Pitfalls in your own course

It's too general

This topic was discussed earlier. It is important to reiterate this because it's the most common error course creators commit. The more generic your content is, the harder it will be to persuade people to buy the course.

"Do be careful not to fall into the illusion that the larger your net is, the greater number of people will be able to join to the conversation. People will be drawn by what is directly relevant to them. This is not commonplace ads, but they tend to be drawn by things they personally relate to."
" Jeanine Blackwell

Marketing plan, launch or launch

Having no launch plan can make you unhappy with the outcomes of the online coaching program. Making the course and then putting the course on your website is not going to do much if no one is aware of it. In order to make your course popular it is essential to have a successful launch plan that clarifies the reasons why people need to be engaging with you right away.

"Make sure to create an event focusing on triggers that will inspire people to take action."
--- Jeanine Blackwell

Once and done mindset

Don't think that the launch of your course as an examination that must be completed right away. Each step you take in making your first online course right from the beginning until launch is an opportunity to test the waters. Make sure to solicit the feedback of your students throughout your process. You can also learn from what you can do in order to make your content more appealing for your audience.

"You do not need all the answers when you begin your venture. Your customers will inform you of what they'd like to hear. If you are able to get feedback that is positive You can incorporate it to your curriculum on the same day! Therefore, don't be concerned about getting it perfect in the very first try."
-- Jeanine Blackwell

Connect with Jeanine at

Want to learn more about how to grow your coaching business with online classes?
  Get the online Coach Blueprint below for a guideline in creating your first coaching online course.

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