How instructional videos can transform situations |

Jul 1, 2023

It's getting harder and harder to convince people to show up to the events either in person or on. If landing page promotions, emails, and posts on social media haven't brought your event the numbers of attendees you're hoping for, it may be now time to look at possibilities of video to create excitement and interest for your occasion.

Videos that instruct attendees to appreciate the importance of your event. Instead of creating a website which outlines the event, share a punchy video that will engage your target audience. It can spark people's curiosity about the topics that will be featured during your event. It can also offer details regarding the venue as well as answer frequently asked questions and lastly, demonstrate how valuable your events are through visual story telling.

Though generating enthusiasm in an event can be a challenge however, it is more challenging to keep interest after your event has gone live. In general, events that are virtual have a no-show rate of 35 per cent. To get people to register into the event, you'll need an effective campaign to advertise your event which entices to educate, motivate, and enthuse participants.

In this article we'll provide suggestions and videos to help you develop event marketing strategies that will leave you feeling happy.

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What do you mean by an instructional film?

Five suggestions to plan the instructional videos for your next event

Videos prior to events can aid in setting expectations for guests, increase excitement for the event and help make the event more accessible to access. Furthermore, 47% of marketers think that interactive content is among the most efficient ways to generate leads.

Need some ideas to help you drum up anticipation for your next occasion? Here are five suggestions on ways to build excitement with tutorial videos prior to the event.

Walkthrough of the venue for the event

The video you make for the event's instructions prior to the event should generate hype. An overview of the location for your event video can be a fantastic opportunity to let people know about the coming agenda. They're also a chance for people who aren't attending to be enticed enough to sign up.

Brian Cole, the founder and chief executive officer of the innovative production agency edgefactory says that venue walkthrough videos are a component of a plan to help participants prepare for the event.

"This video may include pictures of the location the event is in to get attendees excited about traveling. It could also include key points to educate the attendees and encourage them to take part as well as a appeal to join the meeting," he says.

"Then we make more videos like explainer videos that explain how to register for the event, or how to join and download apps for occasions, or even a list of the top five items you need you need to know prior to going to an event."

The UK-based marketing conference Atomicon shared the short video that gave visitors an idea of the location, ambience as well as the events. The last message of the reel is an invitation to action, which can increase conversions.

Live FAQ

Are you constantly receiving similar questions about your events? Make a live FAQ available to allow guests to ask questions in real time. Include details about what attendees will be able to expect from the gathering and the reasons why they should be there along with the date it's scheduled to start.

It's easy to create interesting and useful Q&A using video. After you've recorded your session you are capable of editing your video, add them into a template which is customizable, then upload the clip on your preferred channel.

Screen recordings of the program walkthrough

Interactive maps

You must inform guests where to locate the stage for keynote speakers? What is the location where the after-party will be scheduled to take place?

If you're hosting a large group of people, a digital map will help guests locate the location prior to their arrival on site.

Video infographic

An infographic-style animated video could be an effective way to describe the event's program. the day's program of your event.

Event planners could employ animations that explain how to select and reserve different activities. It is also possible to employ infographics in order to communicate your event's purpose.

Four ideas for live events instructional videos

Planning an event is fraught with some unpredictability. The registration process online takes only two clicks so registration can be a challenge to comprehend. While thousands of people may have signed up to attend your online conference but there isn't any guarantee for attending until after kickoff time or when you log in.

Plus, how can you engage people once they're in the virtual space of your gathering?

Marketers need to capture the their audience's attention in order to create an event that isn't only an opportunity to gain about new knowledge, but also for a chance to engage in conversation with the speaker and connecting with other participants.

Maintain your online and in-person participants entertained during your event with these instructional videos.


Demonstration videos are an excellent choice when you want to demonstrate a product's features live. They typically include original footage that showcases the product's features through testing and demonstrations of how to utilize its features.

In the context of an event, demonstration videos may be shown during the keynote or as an ad-break.


In the course of the program, speakers could present a recorded tutorial. It should assist viewers gain a new understanding of the best way to use a specific device's capabilities.

Alternatively, it could consist of a masterclass that is presented by a speaker on the process they used to achieve a particular outcome.

Record a screen-recorded video tutorial

Screen recording is an increasing feature in marketing strategies. By 2022, 57% of marketers using video created screens-recorded films.

There's no reason as to the reason why videos are a simple method to display rather than tell viewers. You must edit videos effectively to make sure they appear professional and authentic as opposed to amateur. If the event is online or video, then a smooth and clear screen recording is a great way to demonstrate the various functions and applications.

Live streamed Interactive sessions

Do you want your participants from offline to join the live streamed events? Create livestreaming sessions that are interactive so everyone can be a part of the experience. If you're hosting events with speakers live, plan to include live polls, live Q&A or networking sessions to encourage both online and participants in-person to be involved.

7 ideas for marketing post-event videos

The most engaging event material can continue to be enjoyed beyond the end of the event. Excellent event-related content that comes from speakers, topics, and even sessions are able to keep participants engaged until the next one. Event planners must try to create brand loyalty through the creation of events that will last for a long time that attendees want to return for the next one.

Beyond a standard highlight of an event, let your audience continue to gain knowledge through these video suggestions for online usage.

Video on key learnings

Following your event, share small snippets to help participants retain the main points during the event or day.

Brian Cole of Edgefactory explains how creating videos for recaps can help you live stream your event even after the guests have left to go to sleep.

"After the event, we provide a highlight of everything that occurred at the event. This includes interviews from key opinions participants, as well as sponsors, or occasionally the event staff thanking attendees for coming," he says.

"This assists the viewers in retaining their takeaways of the experience. It also helps them remember the importance of attending, and gets attendees excited for the next event" he states.

The agent of Brian, Edgefactory, recently produced an event-related highlight video for the 2023 Quest SKO IT operations and cybersecurity conference. The host talks with speakers, attendees and organizers about why they're there, their top learnings, and what they've taken from the event.

Event recap video

Videos that recap remind guests of the benefits they gained from the event. It also inspires attendees to be excited for the next event.

These are also an excellent technique of reusing the content of your event and expanding your reach to other social media channels. Videos of recaps could contain testimonials, or highlights from the event as well as ideas for the year ahead.

Lori Hall, co-founder and director of creative for Multicultural Marketing Agency Pop'N Creative discusses the process of preparing a video summary of the event helped to boost the reach of the one-time event collaboration with Hulu in New Orleans.

"We made a video summary to help our users understand the details of the journey. Hulu published a daily update of daily via their Twitter handles. This allowed them to track web-based impressions and, later on, increase these numbers." she says.

"The Rink at The Hulu Motel is a global viewership that is 8.1M and was helped by celebrities, influencers and VIPs who posted their stories via social media. The Rink @ Hulu Motel on their social media."

Speaker recordings

Have you attended the talk and learned something new, only to forget the information just a few days later? It's happened to all of us. In order to help participants apply their knowledge beyond the conference, aid by providing them with live recordings of speaker.

Provide them with a link to your recordings of the speakers in a follow-up email within a few days of the ceremony. It should be easy for them to locate what they're looking for by breaking down recordings into chapters and providing the written transcript.

After Semrush's Global Marketing Day, the brand posted the recorded speeches of their keynote speakers on the site. Users of their website have access to the recordings without cost.

Screenshot from SEMrush event on demand page

Interactive video quiz

Make your next event more fun with the possibility of participants for cash prize or unleash their competitive nature by letting them take part in a video-based interactive quiz.

The quiz could take place after a keynote speech or in conjunction with a scheduled sequence of events, and later it could be asynchronous activity when the event has been completed.

Create personalized videos

Instead of sending out a standard text-based message summarizing every aspect of your celebration, send a custom video. Display your face, thank your guests for attending and discuss your event's key points.

Training videos

The majority of attendees attend virtual conferences solely for education motivations. Make use of their enthusiasm for learning by sharing video clips of instruction after a conference. In light of the information in the keynote speakers' sessions You could develop your own series of the best methods, along with the best practices and important takeaways.

You can also ask your speakers to design short, 10-minute online sessions of training loosely based on their presentations.

Follow-up Q&A

Participants may send questions before the Q&A or even ask them live.

Online course bundle

Your event can be made online with a class series. This is an excellent option to make sure that your event won't be forgotten. This is also a method to get people who aren't attending the event involved.

Offer your course as a lump sum payment or subscription. The course video will increase brand awareness for coming events, as well as encourage to sign up for your course.

Make your own instructional videos right now.

Video tutorials can assist you to advertise the event in your marketing campaign. They will help create anticipation, encourage attendees to join and also get potential participants to register. The key to effective instructional videos is knowing your target audience and then sharing videos that inspire and entertain them.

Are you ready to elevate your online engagement for your event the to the top of the line?

Instruction video for marketing events FAQ

How can you create a great promotional video for the occasion you are planning?

A professionally-produced promotional video should serve as a teasing advertisement for the event, and create an atmosphere of excitement for participants. One of the best ways to generate excitement is to advertise the event through walkthrough videos, sneak previews and highlights of past editions. It is important that promo videos are short and easy to make sure that viewers want more. What are the benefits of promotional videos for event marketing?

Video is one of the most efficient event marketing techniques to let viewers visualize the event. Make use of your video-based marketing strategies to create excitement prior to the event, engage guests, and expand reach after the event is over. What are the most important things to consider when producing a video for an occasion?

When you create a video for a promotion, you must have a clear program. Establish clear objectives, in terms of making people aware, encouraging registrations or attracting attendees from home. To ensure that you don't spend too much, establish an appropriate budget and adhere to it.

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