How to Create an Online Podcast Website (In 3 Steps)

Jun 23, 2022

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Podcasting can be simple. There's a variety of audio recording tools to select from and numerous websites where you can upload your podcasts. The toughest element is to profit from recordings you make.

There are many ways to make money off your podcast. One of them is an online membership site built on WordPress is one of the best options.

To begin it off, the WordPress membership model produces regular income. Additionally, it...

  • Delivers bigger payouts
  • Does not require you to pay third-party charges
  • Keep your freedom

In this post, we'll talk about some of the factors that lead you to want to set up a membership site for your podcast. In the next article, we'll demonstrate how to start your own website for your podcast with this WordPress plugin. Let's get started!

How do you set up a Podcast Site for Members

3rd party services like Spotify or Apple Podcasts provide incredibly small amounts for every listen. If there aren't millions of listeners watching your podcast on the web, it's likely to not earn any income from these platforms.:

This is why a lot of podcasters count on memberships in order to make money. With the help of subscriptions allows you to provide listeners with perks like:

  • Access to the first episodes prior to when they air.
  • Content for members only
  • An opportunity to be part of the private community
  • Direct contact via private messages, or through other channels
  • Access to a limited number of items

There are a variety of ways you can offer benefits to entice them to join your podcast. The loyal customers could jump at the opportunity to support the podcast they love in any ways they'd like.

Membership plans allow listeners to support your show and provide you with regular income.

Exemple of Compelled Podcast

Compelled is an excellent example. The adored, faith-based and popular podcast offers inspiring and informative interviews of real people whose lives have changed completely in 180 degrees.

The Compelled team uses its tools to guard the site's content and also give members benefits including...

  • Early access to episodes
  • Each month, video calls are made
  • Interviews from behind the scenes

How to Start with a Podcast Website (In 3 Steps)

If you'd like to learn more about WordPress membership sites, make sure to read the article below:

Step 1. Install a Podcast Plugin

In this case, you can upload your podcast episodes to your website and instantly upload them to various platforms - such as iTunes Podcasts and Stitcher. Also, you have access to search engine optimization (SEO) tools that can help people find your podcast.

When you've installed the podcast plug-in, and you have your podcast plugin installed and working, you can begin adding new episodes on your website. You'll also need to establish a subscription system along with an page on your website that includes all the perks for your subscribers.

Step 2: Create Your Membership Plan for Podcasts


After that, go to the section for Membership options. Then scroll down until you reach the section. Here, you can edit the content on the registration button. It is also possible to create a personalized "thank to you" page text message. You can also modify your cost box section.

It is necessary to choose a title for the membership level and then set the heading to include text. It is possible to use the benefitssection to show the benefits the membership level offers as well as a footing description.

Here's an example of what a podcast pricing box for membership might be in the following manner:

It is possible to establish any kind of membership terms you want. It is important to note that lower-cost recurring billing is the most popular option to cover the majority of podcasts. There is also the option of setting the tiers of membership in multiple ways.

Step 3: Make Your Membership Rules

WATCH >> PROTECTING YOUR website's content: HOW TO Utilize the rules

You'll then need to create the rules and grant authorizations for your account. Click on the Rules tab , then select Create New. Utilize the drop-down menus under Content and Accessto decide which content you'd like to share with users only.

You are able to select the pages you want to be protected, depending on the types of podcast memberships you offer. If you intend to provide early access to members, we recommend you use a specific post tag.

When the show is ready to live, you are able to remove the tag manually, so all visitors can access it. This is a process that's manual and only takes just several seconds to create or remove this WordPress tag.


Making a podcast is simpler than it's ever. It's ideal to have a strategy for the best way to make profits from your show immediately. The ideal thing to do is establish the affiliate programs.

  1. Create your podcast membership plans.
  2. Configure your membership rules.

Have you got any concerns concerning how to create an online podcasting website? Let us know via leaving a comment below in the area that is open to feedback!

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