It's over! Unofficial jury awards were announced in 2023 will be announced during Sundance Film Festival. Sundance Film Festival

Feb 3, 2023

It's the Sundance Film Festival - it's a trance-like state that filmmakers and filmmakers can enjoy. It is an event in which filmmaking is creative and the high elevation can leave the spectator amazed. The "Sundance Sickness" is a symbol of the insatiable desire to attend all the festivals simultaneously in addition to the inevitable infection which will afflict your body because of shaking hands throughout the night, and talking with your pals in noisy spaces, and barely sleeping.

Without further delay Here are Curation Team's non-officialaward award winners...

Grand Jury Prize

"A Folded Ocean" by Ben Brewer

   U.S Fiction  

"Troy" by Mike Donahue

   International Fiction  

"Simo" is a song by Aziz Zoromba


"Will You Have a Second look at me" written by Shuli Huang


"Christopher At Sea" by Tom CJ Brown

An Extra Jury Prize - Acting

Lena Papaligoura in "AirHostess-737," directed by Thanasis Neofotistos

 Special Jury Prize - Directing

Ben Brewer for "A Folded Ocean"

See you out along the trail of festivals over the next few months, and be sure to celebrate a fresh batch of shorts at Sundance 2024!

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