
Jul 12, 2024

The website's footer is the section at the very bottom of a webpage that includes the most important details for visitors. They are usually uniform throughout the entirety of a website offering a steady location to arrive near the end of the scroll. Imagine them as the most effective supporting character on your site. You might not be aware of them as the star but it is impossible to operate without them. They include almost anything users may be searching for, like contacts and the links to pages of importance.

You might not think people are able to scroll all the way down the bottom of a page to read the footer. However, research suggests otherwise. Chartbeat and Nielsen Norman Group showing that people who scroll to the bottom of a page are more likely to be at the end of a page than the upper.

It's evident that footers are hardly footnotes But how do you get the most value from your footers? This is what you should be aware of.