
Dec 2, 2022

Small-sized business proprietor of a small-sized business Brooklyn Carmen Ladipo, her interest in baking started from the very beginning. "I've been an avid enthusiast of sweets since as long as I can recall," Carmen tells . "In my middle school years I took a course that looked like Home Economics, where we were taught how to make cookies. When I realized that I could keep my hunger for sweets in my own way , my cravings went away."

But it was not until a few years later that Carmen was able to earn income from her passion for baking by developing a tiny batch of cookies on an online shop for an additional business. "I'd been just moving into New York City, and was trying to remember how I could make friends when I was an adult" Carmen says. "I got the chance to participate in the local climbing club and was able to bring meals for employees along with fellow climbers. It was a great strategy for making friends." After receiving "fervently at times" repeatedly to market her cakes Carmen used working in between to create her own food business in Brooklyn.

"It was initially just an excuse to earn money from baking cakes for local customers on occasion," Carmen jokes. "But in the past five years, Carmen's Cookies has blossomed into an online store which allows me to send cookies across the United States for people who are strangers in addition to friends and family members."

We talked with Carmen about the methods she uses for keeping a keen eye on the social and environmental impact on her company in addition to the way she manages this one-woman operation alongside other work and duties, and about the technology that allows Carmen's Cookies to operate efficiently.

Local communities are essential and the Social impact

Visitors to the Carmen's Cookies site and on social media platforms are welcomed with the warm greeting that is the brand's name with the slogan "Providing joy for the people who you interact with." Carmen's selections include seasonal flavor like ras el matcha, matcha, and hanout along with her traditional favorites like the brown butter chocolate chip and the orange clove. Take a quick look at the review of her cookies to see the delight that these cookies provide to everyone in the world.

The beginning of Carmen's Cookies focused on more than selling cookies. "I think that owners of the food industry have a responsibility to the environment and their local communities all over the world to be cognizant of the environmental impacts they have on their communities" Carmen says.

"There are many materials which are used to create and selling foods that require attentive consideration and care to ensure that they cause minimal environmental harm. This is why I make note of where I get my ingredients and how their suppliers take into consideration their environmental and social impact." Carmen is open on her website about how she obtains her ingredients. It is possible to use an interactive way to find out where she sources her baking chocolate from.

Her commitment to her cause does not expire after that. "It's crucial for me to figure out ways that I can help by ensuring equality in the food system in the Brooklyn neighborhood," Carmen says.

"Every every year, I pick one organization which is associated with the local community for expansion and growth in economics as well as food sustainability. I contribute a percentage of my income to these organizations since I wish for Carmen's Cookies to have a major impact on the community that it decides to call its home." Customers have the option to check out the About page to find out more about the places Carmen donates a portion of the profits.

"As to"the Carmen's Cookies community," Carmen adds, "it's amazing to watch our customers band together for various causes throughout the years. The fact that we have helped raise donations in the hundreds for various regional and national groups for food justice and vulnerable communities by utilizing cookies is certainly a feat."

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