
May 19, 2022

The path to success of a founder begins with passion. For Sam Stocking, dog trainer and founder of Korey the Kanine The founder of Korey the Kanine, his love was for dogs. "We always had dogs in my family when I was growing up and I always loved being with them," Sam shared with . "But I started to be interested in dog training when I adopted Korey."

In the year 2019, in search of ways to manage her Type 1 diabetes, Sam and her husband decided to add Korey into their home. Korey was a young puppy when they first got her, but their goal was to educate Korey to be a diabetic Alert Dog, which is a service dog trained to recognize and alert their person to spikes and dips of blood sugar.

Sam as well as Korey began to work with a specialized trainer to assist Korey grow up into the life-saving diabetes Alert Dog that Sam needed, Sam's passion for dogs became a business plan. "Seeing the incredible things Korey could accomplish inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a dog trainer--which resulted in the creation of Korey the Kanine."

Now, Korey the Kanine offers an array of dog-training courses for both dogs and puppies. These include well-known programs for diabetic Alert Dog training. " Korey has made this possible and incredibly easy for me," Sam says. The process of streamlining bookings on her website--to creating new growth opportunities and an engaging social media presence--learn how Sam (and Korey) have transformed her love of writing into a profitable business using the potential of .

Scaling with Scheduling

Sam first launched Korey the Kanine in the time that he lived in Germany during the early months of the pandemic. "I had the opportunity to launch my business solely online before expanding it to include both on-line and in-person sessions after we returned in the USA and settled into our new home."