Membership Community Secrets - Grow

Jun 4, 2024

We've watched membership communities change and disappear over the past decade. We've witnessed those which started out as nothing and grew to be six, seven or even eight-figure enterprises. There are so many inspiring instances of community membership, but we'll highlight some of the best recent wins:

  • The entrepreneurial organization made $30,000 in 2 1/2 weeks with five thousand members.        
  • A membership geared towards health that just has added 100 high-ticket subscribers (and an additional $40,000 of ARR).      
  • Author and speaker that brought $30,000 of revenue for their members after the completion of a four-week promotion.        

And while we love celebrating these victories There are plenty of other incredible membership community stories-from communities big and small.

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In this article this article, we'll show you the power of a membership community. Learn how to build a paid membership community-giving you a roadmap to go from where you are now to an enterprise worth six figures.

There's no way to guarantee it however these are the known and tested methods have proven to work repeatedly and repeatedly.

This is the way we how-to guide for a six-figure membership of a community.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

It's almost a cliche now however we'll repeat it again. The best opportunities lie in areas of.

Communities with too wide-ranging.

As a host who is a novice, it's tempting to cast wide. Wouldn't you like to have as many people as possible to be in your area?


Problem is that when you have a community full of non-related people it's impossible to engage everyone. And it's unlikely they will be able to communicate with each other.

Your community will be flat.

The uniqueness of the market is what is what makes it flourish. Communities of members can be constructed on anything from German polka dancing to anime. From public talking for finance professionals to newsletters sent via email for non-profts.

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The ability to find your niche is your greatest strength. When you're building a membership community online You can travel around the world to find the people in your niche.

Star with a broad concept of an online community and niche down more than you believe you have to.

Check out our Community Name Generator

The AI engine of our platform is ready to help you create an identity for your community that is like magic. Simply share a few sentences about what your community stands intended for, and then we'll go started.


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Suggestions

The names generated by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are only examples and can be utilized by other companies or under third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

2. They serve a big purpose

If we instruct community Design(tm) on Mighty We always begin with having students create a Big Purpose.

A Large Purpose serves as the primary reason your member community exists.

The traditional company has its own mission statement. And membership communities that thrive serve a big purpose.

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We are so passionate in helping communities develop with a Big Purpose that we integrated the community engine. Each community that joins us is encouraged to choose a Big Purpose.

Do it!

 Get your Free Trial

3. Are You Looking for Your Ideal Member

This is related to your specialization, but begin with one Ideal member. It should be a single individual you work with, who has only one goal or problem that is narrowly defined.

Do you want to learn about one of the best exercises that you can perform to identify the ideal member? Meet them!

If you've got an idea of the area you're in Make it a priority to talk with potential members. Even if it's a bit intimidating, you'll be glad you did it.

Answer them with questions like:


  • What are you struggling with?        
  • What type of support are you looking for?        
  • What price would you be willing to spend to achieve the desired results?        

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Conducting these interviews can bring you one step closer to building a successful membership group. Since it takes the thought out of your head and into conversation.

Make sure you pay attention to the ideal members.


  • If everyone is interested however, no one is willing to buy it, you could need to pivot.        
  • If the issue you identified is different from those your preferred members discuss, then you might need to pivot.        

It's market research so make sure you adhere to it.

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4. Start small

Membership communities are launched to thousands of members. We have heard of $50,000-a-month membership communities. We've even shared a few at the top of this article.

Don't let us get wrong, we'd love to help you succeed!

However, even if have just started out it is worth starting small.

Smaller communities have an easier time connecting. You can get to know all the people in your community, which would be nearly impossible for a group of thousands of individuals.

Once you've gotten really good at meeting the needs of 10-15 people who are in your first community, you can start scaling up to hundreds of thousands.

    However, remember that there is no need for hundreds of members to create an active community. The average community on Mighty costs $48 per month. You could have the capacity of a community that is six figures with 174 members. This isn't even including aspects that most communities provide as an upsell: Events, private coaching, masterminds, or courses. There's a way to make six figures when you have 30 or 40 members if you do it right.

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5. Offer something for sale

If this is your first experience building a membership site  or selling something.

Just hold your breath and rip off the Band-Aid. It is possible to create an online landing page, and then invite your first members. Perhaps it's a live class or an event to open the doors. Promoting an offer, even pre-selling it, could help prove the validity of your membership idea.

6. Take into consideration screen

The health of your membership community is determined by the caliber of the people who are part of it. Screening is one way to make sure you only have the best people.

This is a bit odd. Do you want to shut those who are not interested? Making it more difficult for them to join your community? Add more friction?

But in some cases, these "negatives" can be offset with one very strong positive The people part of your local community are actually eager to join in.

While it's hard to say no to potential members, screening can boost the value of your group for the people who do come in. This is worth it in gold.

Screening could be:


  • Automating a check-out process.        
  • Making a list of requirements for people who want to join.        
  • hosting live one-onone or group discussions with prospective members.        

It might even mean telling people no when they aren't the right for the job. However, once you've established a vibrant community, you'll be grateful for it.

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7. Know the numbers

To go fully-into a membership group it is necessary to know the significance of certain numbers.

There is no thriving community that has 100% engagement all the all the time.

None. Zilch.

Every community has"super members, or "supers". This is those who comprise 5-10% of members who are highly active and dedicate the fullest effort to all you do.

50percent of the members could be in and out of the club on occasion. There are those who aren't seen at regardless of the price.

The figures are quite normal. Don't let it discourage you. Also, don't let it affect you in any way!

If someone has signed up for your membership community, they will recognize the benefit. Particularly if they pay an annual membership fee.

The community you live in could be the dream that they've got, even if they can't be 100% committed to it at the moment. Your community might be an encouragement to start small each month.

In short, don't sell yourself short. Show up, do the work and don't sweat the details too much.

    Remember that communities for busy people may have even lower involvement. A community of CEOs might be able to scratch an important itch but that doesn't mean it makes them less active. Be sure that they be there and participate when they are able.

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8. Know the worth of the membership fee

It's easy to think of the cost of membership from your standpoint. The cash flow is after all.

But you need to consider the value of membership fees to your members as well. A cost for membership helps members commit. Members who pay are more committed. Since those who pay pay attention.

Our numbers also show that paying a dues to membership does not affect the people's willingness to pay for upsells either. 75% of free are selling upsells on paid goods. But 90percent of the paywalled sites make upsells!

It suggests that members do not just pay, but also members who are paying will pay for additional worth. Take this into account when you price your membership site.

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9. Do not miss the trial for free!

Sellers of goods online usually offer a trial for free. But it's not always necessary. Only 27% out of the top 250 income-generating have a trial offer.

Free trials have their place. They can also alter the dynamic of a community. If you've got members who drop into and out of the community and engaging, but not staying this can affect your cohesiveness.

In most situations, it's more beneficial to get the job done up front to make sure your Ideal Member is right Do the screening and ensure that they arrive at the entrance ready to give the fullest.

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10. Get additional deals

The most effective community memberships, the best source of new revenue is those who are already in the door.

Although it's typical to say, "I'm already charging them so I don't have to charge them for something other than that," we find that those who are active members usually want better. It could be a highly engaged mastermind or 1:1-coaching or an incredible online or live gathering.

We're not saying that you should charge more to make it easier for you to charge more.

However, do take a look at your existing members and make sure you're giving your members the best value possibly can-even if it means the introduction of a new offering!

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11. Make sure that all members are connected

We study successful communities. And there's one thing they share.

The most successful communities have members who have made a friend (that's not the Host). People come into communities for information, classes, or activities, yet they remain within the community because of the relationships they build.

It is a sign that one of the primary things for any Host to do is to create opportunities for your members to connect and become friends. It might be asynchronously: in a discussion prompt or post. Also, it could be at asynchronous times: during the office, at an event that is live and even in planned break-out groups or networking sessions.

Let them out of the blocking and allow them to connect.

Your community will grow stronger because of it.

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12. Enlist you "supers" to aid you.

Super members of your group can be a valuable resource. And most Hosts don't use the full power of their members. The most active members of your membership are looking for ways to connect more. They are also engaged in ways that go above and beyond normal membership:


  • Ask them to facilitate discussion        
  • Instruct them to moderate the community as well as its content    
  • Highlight their story or ask them questions        
  • Invite members to contact them and greet new members      

Not every super will accept our suggestions, but the majority of supers waiting to be asked to do more. Don't be shy to ask your super's help.

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13. Select the best platform

The biggest benefit to your membership community might come from the community platform you choose to build on. If you select an option that allows you to combine any sort of information, course, community, and live gatherings with a mighty digital marketing engine, you'll have the ingredients for a successful community-based business.

As we developed our community platform We considered everything that you need to run an active membership community.

This is a reference to:


  • The capability to make any kind of content you like, such as posts, long-form content such as discussions, polls and streaming live .      
  • Sell memberships, pre-recorded or live classes, virtual events masterminds, group coaching and bundle all of these in your local currency.    
  • Unleash connection tools like no others Chat, discussion tools & messaging, AI profiles and text improvements, rich member directories and profiles, and conversations built in at every turn.        
  • Create your own branding identity using Colors, Spaces that you can personalize, and even move to a custom-branded application .      
  • Design an own selling engine with auto-landing pages, customized screening questionnaires, and welcome functions.        

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Are you ready to start? Come build your membership community with Mighty! It's the top-rated platform for community development from G2, with everything you need for a successful transition from 0 to 6-figures. You can try it for without cost for 14 days - no credit card is required.