Page Landings for Courses The Things You Must Do to Get Better Conversions

Apr 13, 2024

Online courses are big business. Its ease of use and access to online learning has led to increasing numbers of students are using the option as a method to bolster their skills. Whether it's a company learning course or a person looking to improve their skill, these courses have become hugely popular.

What ever the reason and whatever the course the landing pages for courses have to be in good shape. We'll look at what a landing page should be performing and how you can include in yours to get the best result. OK, let's start learning.

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What is a landing page do?

Landing pages on courses look something like shop windows. What exactly does a storefront need to contain. It must first be attractive visually. Color combinations that are pleasing and careful placing so that items are evenly distributed is a significant impact on the eyes of the client.

A narrative, offering some context to the product shown, or the use of teasers, giving hints at the beauty of what's inside. All these can work wonders.

So that's shop windows. Of course, they're also landing pages. Their job is basically identical. A casual web user popping in is far more likely to have their attention ensnared by the landing page that uses methods similar to the ones above.

There's a major difference, however, between bricks-and-mortar store passers-by and internet users.

How does the user get to your site initially Most likely, due to the SEO you employed to draw them in. Maybe you even went through the trouble to use an attractive domain extension (like buying the .ai domain for the landing pages of a course using artificial intelligence).

In contrast to the pedestrian in the street Your site's visitor will already be somewhat inclined to find out more information about what you offer. Therefore, when they're near, the landing pages will have one purpose: to encourage those already intrigued people to take the next step.

If you are using course landing pages, that second step is signing up to take part in the course. So, the landing page has to propel the customer towards this action. If we break down the three strategies we've been talking about into smaller but crucial aspects, we can do this.

Fantastic headline

There should be a hero area as well as a headline with dramatic content, in addition to being descriptive enough to give a distilled idea of what it is that you're offering. The landing page should also make use of language that resonates with your intended audience (this factor has to continue throughout your whole design: it is essential to design a landing page that will be a hit with your target audience).

Here's an excellent illustration.

Screenshot from

It's huge, it's big, and it's evocative. It emphasizes the keyword passion. This will greatly affect those visiting the site when they ought to be working at their uninspiring job, and often pondering alternative and more fulfilling ways of making a living.

It's a headline that works since it focuses on the end result. This is like a wormhole bringing you from an environment where everything is not exactly thrilling to a completely different place where thrills and joy are guaranteed.

How can we achieve this? This is where the subtitle comes in.

Subtitling helpful

It's focused on the effect. Now comes the information that provides more details about the program you're giving. In this example, it says 'It's an easy step-by-step guide for finding things you're passionate about, with a guarantee'. The site doesn't need to provide a lot of information. The only thing you need to do is flesh out the headline a little so the visitor is in no doubt the subject matter of the site's content is.

This is a different example since it provides the user with an idea of what is the purpose behind the website is, but without providing too much detail. (Although, in truth, the sentence should probably be smaller. )

Screenshot from

Incidentally, this kind of subtitling is essential and not only for landing pages. This is also the reason why the product page work. There must exist a link between the headline and the actual product content, no matter what the website is offering, from a predictions manual to a predictive dialer. That's what subtitling can do.

Detailed description

This means that the user is looking to know more. It's the time to go deep about what it is that the course will cover. Note - we're saying a 'level of detail'. The amount of detail you require will be determined a great deal by your target demographic.

If you're trying to speak with professionals seeking fast answers to any problem they may have, then you must be prompt in describing what you offer. Use bullet points and short words to explain the exact information you provide with no effort on anyone's time.

Or, if your demographic will likely to be able to find a bit more time to devote to reading, then go a little more detailed. Even with those who are the most casual of people, don't go too detail-heavy It's easy to put people off through overwhelming them with details. Be aware that you may deposit the fine print on the next page. The homepage is all about the broad strokes.

As an example, suppose you've developed a great online 'Cooking for Beginners' course. In the description of your course, you'll of course want to discuss how your course offers fantastic instructional tips and tutorials, but you'll also want to highlight the benefits that students will receive, such as being able to prepare 7 easy and inexpensive dishes, as well as basic food preparation and storage techniques.

It is advantageous in not just showing what a instructor is competent in, but also detailing the subjects which the class will be covering. This can be a way of proving how a product improves lives without overly revealing details about construction and provenance, etc.

Design elements

So far, we've been focused on focusing primarily on the words. Just as important is the look and feel of the site. Similar to the design components of a shop's window There must be an element of aesthetics for the page to have optimal effect. We'll take a look.


Clearness and distinctness is the main focus here. A font can have a powerful impact but may be difficult to comprehend.

Take a moment to think about what image you want to project. Is it sober authority? An unfussy font like Helvetica or similar is an area to think about. If it's financial like, say, as a program to increase your insurance lead generation skills and you'll want a reassuringly solid font devoid any gaudy embellishments.

However If your subject involves more arts and crafts, then the font that mimics needlepoint might be a good selection.

Do not overlook the importance of picking out a particular expression or word in a different font for extra impact.

Screenshot from

This is a great splash of bold handwriting red, which is the corporate color, which has an echo in the logo, the CTA boxes, along with Ms. Garst's glasses and top. For a moment, you may be thinking, this is a financial website. So why shouldn't the focus be on the weighty, authoritative font?

It's well-spotted. This website is somewhat off the norm because the creator is thinking of the target customers: people that might be interested in money-making online but who aren't necessarily in the big world of online gaming. In these cases, enjoyment and easy to get around are the primary characteristics of the course to promote. Therefore, it is the importance of knowing how to speak to your audience when you are creating your site's pages.


The discussion has already touched on the power a striking application of red has. The color is certainly crucial in terms of catching the attention and influencing. There are all manner of traits that colors are designed to convey in the field of marketing but we don't have space to go into all this here.

Color can be potent, but don't do it too much. Color is all about contextualization. Red will not appear as good against a brown background, for instance. This is why we're mentioning another aspect. Always include enough white space. It's the canvas that lets the picture make its statement.


Image from

But (and the same is true of designing landing pages) do not sacrifice your clarity for cute. If you've come up with a turn of phrase that makes you want to give yourself a rose to show off your wit, but others struggle to comprehend and comprehend, you're better off putting it in your journal. This applies regardless of the subject matter your webpage covers, from mastering macrame to mainframe modernization.

Page lift-off landing

The field of web design truly is a vast area to get your head around as landing pages are crucial that they occupy a large area. We hope that we've provided you with enough information to start designing your course's landing pages the best they can be.

If in doubt, concentrate on two factors: credibility and clarity. Your page has to be memorable, however it also needs to be well-organized. If you are able to mix both the landing pages for your courses will be a hit.

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