Passive is Passe: Creating Online Courses Requires Active Involvement

Sep 3, 2024

Most service-based enterprises that generate income through leveraged and passive products can be a wonderful concept, however there's a myriad of psychological and mental concerns that may arise while entering this field. First, there's the false belief that passive income is the most lucrative kind of income. Yes, it's possible to make money in your sleep and get on a trip to the ocean. You're right, but you don't have to offer it for sale to me.

What if you actually consider the clients who purchase your program? What if heaven forbid, you don't want to head out to the ocean, but instead you would prefer to stay around, clasp hands, ask concerns, and really support your customers through the program?

Does that make you a bad professional?

Is that a sign that you're justleveraging however you're making no passive income, and therefore you've FAILED?

Not at ALL.

We're here to inform you that leveraged is the new black.

Besides, passive income is soooo 2014.

  The most successful online course creators keep in touch with their students  

Heart-centered, beautiful entrepreneurs are creating BRILLIANT leveraged programmes, while remaining connected to their community And people love them for it.

In a world where your prospective clients have ALREADY joined dozens of online programs but have yet to finish their studies, a self-study programme can be considered a white noise.

We live in a time where we are fed up with being forced through automated funnels, lead generators, and in essence, forced to go through hoops to determine how much money you want, and how to pay this to you, online buyers are pushing back. Refusing. Choosing to wait until they are able to work together one-onone or as part of a high-touch group program which requires a lot of face-to-face interaction.

Connected course creators, this could be GREAT news.

Personally, I don't consider it in my genes to make true passive income. The first real passive income product was a year-long planner designed for entrepreneurs and was just $19.98. The first time I launched it I sold 170 copies. It was stunning. I then proceeded to start communicating with customers who purchased it to make sure they'd been filling it in, to find out how they liked it and if they had any suggestions and to offer tips on how to keep it going all through the year.

It was by no means an income-generating product that was passive. It was a fact that I spent over 10 hours CHASING those who purchased it to find out their thoughts and to aid them with their use!

One year later, I launched the Heart and Soul planner again in late 2015. The second time around, the planner included two workshops for groups: One where I walked everyone through the planner page each page by page, answering their questions and providing ideas, and the second session where I guided individuals create their own strategy for implementation so that the planner doesn't become just another dust collector.

In transforming my product that was passive into leveraged product I realized a variety of benefits for seller and buyer alike:

  1. I felt more CONNECTED to those who bought, and was able to ensure people were getting great value - felt good for me, and good for them.
  2. I made a TRIBE, We were on the live chat together. participants were interacting with one other, cheering each other for each other and offering suggestions and ideas. There was no divide and be divided - rather, the goal was to unify and connect.
  3. People were able to KNOW my name - which meant that my KLT (know, like, trust) rating soared.
  4. Conversion to better product was awe-inspiring - of the 256 women who purchased this time, around, three are now VIP clients fourteen have joined one of my programs and 20 have joined my business school within just six months. The process of conversion will keep happening all through the year, I believe.

If you're contemplating and planning the next course, program or product, give a consideration of designing something that's more connected, and less passive. You might need be more consistent in your be more consistent in your efforts.

But you never know it is possible to discover that you enjoy it.

Tash Corbin is an expert business coach and mentor for soul-centered, heart-centered entrepreneurs. She is a lean startup specialist and helps women to build passive and leveraged income. The Heart-Centred Facebook group, which she founded, Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs has a membership of over 10,000 active members and it is growing fast.