Running Competitions to Promote Your Membership Site

Oct 7, 2023

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If you're seeking ways to market your membership site to increase your visibility, running contests could be the best option. There are many ways to increase your number of followers but contests and giveaways could work very well.

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In this article we'll go over the benefits of organizing a contest in order for your website to boost its traffic and give tips on how to get up to the point of launching.

The benefits of contests and competitions

Rafflecoptor Giveaway Tool

Prior to moving on to the application that will assist you in running an event on your website for membership, let's look at some of the advantages to having a contest.

Expand your reach to a wider public

If entry to your contest is dependent on the participants sharing the contest through social networks or on other platforms, reaching out to a wider number of participants, this might be the main incentive to hold the contest.

A few contest management tools give you the option of accepting contest entries via social media. This includes the sharing and tweeting of your content, giving guests the possibility of winning.

Every share you make on social media could put your site and your membership products in front of potential new customers or members, so it's a great idea to have some sort of social media aspect to your contests.

Boost Social Media Following

Acquiring more followers on social media can be a goal in and its own. If you are using social media to notify people of the contest, letting people join your page to take part is an effective approach to boost your number of followers.

To increase website traffic

The right contest can be certain to boost website traffic. You can ask people to take part in the contest, and add an element of promotion for the contest participants. The other option is to have the possibility of a contest offering a thrilling prize may become a media-worthy event on its own. The creation of a contest that is generous gives you the chance to reach out to influential influencers, blogs, as well as others who are important players within your industry by providing an item to advertise which their followers might be interested in.

The new publicity could boost internet traffic and provide an opportunity to convert the new clients into customers or subscribers.

Add More Emails to Your Contact List

Membership Site Contests

If the new users are registered on your mailing list for the purpose of participating in your contest You can then implement the email marketing strategy in motion and start with the delivery of amazing content to new customers. Once your leads are well-behaved, you'll be able to promote your membership program to those who sign up.

Encourage discussion

A different method of running contests is picking the person who has sent a message to your site. Because comments can lead to discussion about your website and its membership products It is worthwhile to make the effort of getting your clients to share their views.

Promote Your Member Products

Not to be left out, a competition will help promote your membership program. If you make a contest that's newsworthy that others in your niche are likely to wish to pass onto their followers in addition to having an entry procedure which makes utilization of social media in order to spread information of your membership offer.

One of the most crucial things to take into consideration prior to running an event

If you're ready to begin your very first competition, there are certain aspects to consider. To begin you should consider sitting down for a while considering your prizes.

Are you planning to offer a single grand prize or offer runners-up prizes too? Free or reduced access to the membership program is a good alternative. However, if you're trying for ways to market your contest existing members It is essential to be thinking outside the box.

Be sure the prize you choose to award is appropriate for your target audience, while being sure that it's something they'll want to post via social media and make their mark on. Also, make sure your prize budget will be in line with your real-world expectations of the event and its outcome.

Hopefully, your contest will bring more visitors to your website. If so, it's crucial to make sure you've put in place systems to not only handle this additional traffic, but benefit the most from it.

Load Impact Testings

Last but not least, it is essential to set up your website analytics that can monitor the results of the competition. An absolutely free tool like Google Analytics makes it straightforward to find out if your website is seeing more traffic, where the visitors come from, as well as the actions they've been doing for your site.

How do you run A Contest for Your Website

If you're making use of WordPress for your membership website It's even easier than what you'd think to run the competition. There are a number of paid and free plugins made for this use, the only thing you'll need to choose is the right tool that meets the requirements of your business. Below is a short overview of some popular WordPress Contest and competition plugins.

Contests and Giveaways from Fatcat Apps

Fatcat Contests Plugin

The no-cost Contests and Giveaways plugin can be used to create and organize a prize giveaway which requires your participants to provide their email to enter. When the deadline for the contest is reached and the plugin is finished with its job, it'll pick a winner at random. Because of IP tracking and using cookies, the plugin for contests can defend against the fraud that is connected to contests.

If you're searching for an easy, simple way to try competitions on your WordPress site, the plugin you choose is an excellent choice.

Comment Contest

The cost-free Comment Contest plugin can aid in the creation of discussion about your blog's post. When enabled, the plugin allows you to choose what comments form part of the contest before choosing the winner. Since leaving a comment is sufficient to be eligible for participation in the contest, you are likely to be a lot of responses from your viewers.

There is a No Frills Prize Draw Competitions

The free plugin lets you start hosting competitions through your WordPress site for no cost but you can upgrade to the paid version and unlocking additional capabilities.

By setting the options, you can select the requirements your contestants must do to enter the competition. For instance, they could have to type in a message, answering the multiple choice questions or simply hitting the enter button. The winner will be selected automatically by the plugin, then you can contact the lucky contestant and give them the cash prize.

If you're trying to break to the most competitive competitions then the KingSumo Giveaways plugin isn't cheap but it's packed with features.

Final Reflections

If everything goes according to schedule, the contest could bring increased visitors to your site, increased exposure on social media, and more participants to your organization.

     Are you having any concerns concerning running a contest on your website for members? Please let us know via the comment section below.

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