Survive the perfection phobia: Learn from the creators of content

Oct 13, 2022

There's a good chance that you've met someone who couldn't finish a project due to the fact that they believed every element had to be perfect. But, perfection doesn't exist (truly). This is why projects are left unfinished either on their laptop or their studio. Some might consider the time invested wasted since nobody gets to enjoy what the creator has created.

Perfectionionism is a significant obstruction for both entrepreneurs and creators. Based on a study by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, perfectionism is associated with "feelings of failure, guilt or guilt, indecisiveness, procrastination guilt, shame and low self-esteem." In the end that people find it difficult to get ahead with their job or undertaking - which is known as perfection paralysis.
How do you conquer this?

Letting go of perfectionism and shifting to a realistic standard of when something can be released for public consumption is a challenge. To help you do this we asked two expert experts to share their experiences of conquering the fear of perfection during a virtual summit in August of 2022. Watch the video here:

Before we get into the tips, meet our panelists:

Steve Harris is a global business coach, who assists high-performing individuals and institutions bridge the gap between their potential and performance. Self described as "ruthless" He has had the privilege of working with over 1000 clients and encouraged clients to complete their effort to achieve outstanding results.

Grace Abbott is a multi-hyphenate creative strategist and brand building expert who is a specialist in building businesses at the intersection of commerce and content. In the last five years, she has been focused on developing To Be Magnetic - turning what was once a wellness blog into a rapidly growing membership website - the number one destination for Neural manifestation.

The responses have been edited to ensure the utmost clarity.

What is the reason people are obsessed with perfection?

How have you overcome perfection paralysis?

Digital products don't need to be flawless, but they still need to reach the required level of quality in order to be sold. Can a designer set their standards to a standard of excellence that's will benefit their company as well as their image?

Grace says:

"Consider whether it reflects the level of content and knowledge you're planning to be putting out? Does it convey a convincing tale of what you have to offer? Also, things like making sure when you're making a copy edit or that you've got top-quality audio and video. All those things that are going to make the users experience as good as is possible.

However, I believe that more than anything else, go to the next level. It doesn't require an expensive production team to make a great video. You can make a great video with your iPhone. Be sure to ensure that there's no background and the audio quality is good.

What's the initial step a knowledge creator can do to assist them in creating the first digital product?

Steve says:

"I find that a lot of business owners are engrossed with their message and they're not considering the market. The question to consider is - is there a market for my message? Then, how can you identify if there's any market to your message?

It's actually quite easy - you can ask questions about:

  1. What's the issue which my voice or passion for solving can help solve?
  2. Who has the problem and needs this solution?
  3. What are the folks you're called to serve?
  4. What are the best ways to discover them?
  5. How are they going to locate you?
  6. How much money are they able to spend?
  7. What is the reason anyone should go to you rather than the millions of alternatives which are available?

It can assist you in getting your knowledge out into the world (finally!)