Ten Ideas for Engagement in the Community to

Sep 30, 2022

If you've ever had the privilege of running an online community or not, you've learned something. Inviting people to join to an online community is awesome. However, getting them involved and enthusiastic about being there will be more efficient.

It's not always an easy the case. It's sometimes difficult for people to get people into the discussion and be involved. There are some who prefer to sit in the background for lengthy durations. If you're unable to ensure that participants are involved There's the possibility of them being a part from the group altogether.

It's enough of the scary things. It's a good thing to know that it doesn't have to be really hard to get participants engaged in your local community.

If you have the proper tools and strategies the right tools and strategies, you can bring member involvement this week.

The coolest thing? Engaging members may act as a snowball. If more members are involved as they get more involved, the more active members will assist other members become engaged. That means you're efforts to bring all members of your company engaged will have an effect over the long term which you're not able to imagine.

If you're trying to get started with community engagement, these tips will be helpful. These are the top 10 strategies for community engagement that you can steal this week!

If you'd like to receive additional assistance to build your community on the internet, join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow members who are both experienced and new to community leadership! We'd love to meet you. Sign up to join for no cost!

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     1. Customize the experience of your new member

     2. Go live... a lot!

     3. Emails are updated regularly.

     4. Incorporate play

     5. Discover your Ideal Client with a Big Purpose

     6. Moderate that one thing

     7. Create rituals

     8. Ask questions

     9. Go on quests

     10. Unscripted

     11. Empower your best people

     Are you ready to get started?

1. Customize the experience of your new member

Let's chat about the most significant aspect in a community member's journey beginning with their first moments, hours, and days of a group.

The most scary element for a brand new family member. It's as if you're the unwelcome student in school. Everyone else has a connection and knows how things are going however it's not an easy task to join in.

Then you'll need to provide an amazing welcome experience for the new members. It is important to ensure that everyone who is part of your community understands how and what to do. It is important to encourage people to participate in discussions and let them feel relaxed and show them what the possibilities are and what they could be as well as let people know that you're available to assist the people in your community.

On a social media site, this can be achieved through creating a fantastic digital experience for the new members.

For the case of Mighty Network, we created the list of guidelines for new members which you are able to customize and make your personal. New members are shown the checklist and guides the new member through the process to create their profile, greeting people in the community. They can also ask their first question or responding for their first live events.

How you create your own unique experience is entirely the choice of the individual. The one thing you can be sure of is that the best welcome experience is that it doesn't leave anyone hanging. Participants will be able to join immediately and start playing.

Magical new member experience

*We offer free classes on building a magical beginning member experience in The Mighty Community! *

2. Go live... a lot!

We love live streaming. No matter what the occasion, whether it's planned or an unexpected surprise, live streaming adds the element of the real to your virtual community.

Live streaming can come with some "um" however do not become caught up in this. With all the perfectly created social media, a little human empathy is appreciated.


In order to increase member engagement, consider going frequently live. There is the possibility to talk about what you're learning, talk to a community member or someone from outside, or even have the option of an answer-and-question period or An AMA.

And, before you ask, yes those butterflies experienced before live streaming are normal. This process isn't easy when you live stream, especially if you've had no experience with it. We're confident that if you take off your Band-Aid you'll love the next step. Engagement is increased.

In addition, the abilities to communicate with your students will improve over time. In addition, the butterflies are likely to fade off. Test it!

     Try it for free Trial There's no requirement for credit cards.

3. Updates to emails

As you contemplate your community engagement strategy consider what role email can play.

One of the best things of a community platform, and especially one with the most amazing and integrated apps it that users do not have to be continuously bombarded with messages on every topic. The messages they receive should come through their platforms (and a good platform should permit them to customize the messages ).

It allows you to consider how you use emails. It isn't necessary to be constantly emailing your customers every single day. But you can email messages to inform members about the upcoming events. If members have been away on the site for a long duration, this may be an a good way to get them to the site.

If life gets busy, as it does every week, an update of what has happened within your neighborhood will help keep people connected and get them ready for a return.

4. Play with Include

Community members should enjoy themselves. Sometimes, we get the urge to become overly serious, particularly if members pay to join. There is a stress of having to create a serious and professional event which appears... "professional. "

There's a correct date and time for this. It's not that we're saying you shouldn't be professional.

Being "professional" does not necessarily be a sign of being serious all the time. A great community should also contain a playful element. If you are able to keep your members having fun and sharing the joy of playing, having fun and enjoying themselves You will create great experiences to members.

Think about incorporating something exciting. An online game show. Karaoke. Events that take your group from the ordinary and encourage participation through fun. If you're looking for ideas for events that are enjoyable and exciting, you'll discover a full list of ideas below.

5. Find the right member for you, and Big Scope

We recommend conducting an exercise during the process of planning your community. It's known as Community Design(tm). Even if you didn't do it at the planning stage There's still time to take these steps today.

A community must have two key components. For one, you need an ideal member. It is crucial to know the purpose of your community. As specific as you are about the members you identify their traits as well as their hopes and goals and the things they're passionate about.

If you're able to identify a particular ideal person, it will enhance the community involvement. Because instead of throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, you can just focus on helping others.
    Ideal Member solve the problem that they are facing. Ideal Member is a way for members that show up and take part.

Another part of it is the creation of what is known as the Big Purpose. Your Big Purpose outlines the purpose of your community, and what you will assist them in achieving. It looks like this.

Big Purpose- New Image

By the way, We offer absolutely free instruction on how to find your perfect members and the purpose behind your participation within our huge community.

     Start your Free Trial No credit card is required.

6. Moderate that thing

A great engagement with your community shouldn't solely revolve around what's going on in your neighborhood. Most important is to know those aspects you shouldn't avoid in your neighborhood.

This is how a solid community moderation strategy is put into place.

Your members should feel safe in the community. They must be assured that they will never be victimized, bullied, or victimized. It's important to be confident that they won't get exposed to content that contain or are homophobic, racist, sexist or any other form of discrimination.

So if you want to establish a place that is safe for your members and secure, then you must develop appropriate moderation techniques. Make sure your users know the requirements they must adhere to Be sure to review these frequently. Do not be afraid to utilize the moderator tools on your social media platforms to mark and block content that is offensive. Also, think about selecting some of your most engaged faithful members to aid you in the creation of moderated content.

Moderation isn't super exciting at the beginning. No one gets excited from having a seat, and then writing down the rules.

But trust us, the security and safety that your members have is worth it. When people feel secure, they are way more likely to participate.

7. Create rituals

Imagine that you can travel back in time to those human settlements that were still in existence for hundreds of years back. The time when our forefathers gathered around fires in camp. Why did they come to one another?

The main reason for communal bonding was the strength of rituals. Rituals helped define who was an integral part of society. They were used to mark significant changes in life. For instance, rituals that marked the change from being a teenager to being an adult. They were also used to mark the passage of time. They were used to mark the passage of weeks, months, as well as years.

The people in your community can benefit from the advantages of rituals as well. While you're going through the day-to-day activities of a member of your group take note of events which should be accompanied by an ritual. Maybe it's something you tried at one time for the new members of your community that you're determined to perform to everyone, similar to the new member experience that we discussed earlier. You might once in a while have a certain type of community-based event that everyone looks for. Maybe it's an annual event.


By creating these moments that are time-bound and naming these times and making them special it is creating rituals. This is something that humans have been doing for thousands of years making rituals an effective tool to engage the community.

     Start Your Free Trial No credit card required.

8. Ask questions

In our study of communities, we've seen one thing often that leads to the engagement. It's not a secret.

The key is...questions!

Questions stimulate participants. The questions ask them to think about things. The questions force them to draw upon their own experiences as well as their knowledge. This is something we all get happy about. In short, questions might be the key to involvement of the participants.

We care about the topic enough that we came to this incredible set of questions to discussion that you could use to stimulate discussion within your group. You can download it here for free.

1000 questions guide

9. Go on quests

A different aspect we've added to the game that we're really overjoyed about. Quests. Much like the knights from the past, Quests are a way to take your group on a challenge together. We also offer a complete and uncosted course to make challenges in the Mighty Community too!

10. Unscripted

Another tip for getting at the magic of community engagement. Are you prepared?


For community administrators, it can be tempting to handle all things. Clean every surface. To ensure that everything appears flawless. Yet ask any person who's been in a community  to tell you that the most powerful moments are the ones that people don't expect. Unscripted events are the most powerful.

Live stream where the guest isn't able to appear and the subsequent discussion results in being much more effective than the session could be. This could be the time where a friend tears into tears while other members are able to support and help the other members.

There's no method of planning for unscripted scenes. It would be detrimental to the goal.

Do however create the space and time for you to connect together with ways that do not appear to be perfectly scripted. Allow the magic unfold.

11. Empower your best people

As the name suggests it shouldn't be accomplished on your own. The management of a group doesn't have to be done alone, either.

The key to a successful community engagement strategy is to get people involved and not make it appear like an event that is only for people. It might mean formally recruiting an administrator for the community. The goal is to empower those who belong to the community.

It can be accomplished by using the form of an Ambassador Program. Members can earn rewards by welcoming new members. It is also possible to consider the possibility of the promotion of your top members to co-Hosts or moderators. They can be paid or unpaid positions or even moderators, and you may be stunned to learn that many people passionate about your community enjoy having the chance to assume the leadership role and dig deeper.

Are you ready to begin?

Our suggestions should have you excited about adding fresh life to your local area. Be aware that having thousands of residents doesn't bring much value when they're not actively involved. These suggestions can help in attracting new members and keep the ones you have. As we've found many times, people may join the groups in order to take advantage of their courses, but they're able to remain for long durations due to the relationships they create within them.


If you're looking for an amazing platform for building your community on, come and take a look ! It's a community engine that's all-in-one which connects subgroups, forums and messaging systems live streaming, classes as well as integrated events and much more. It is possible to charge for membership, sell courses and access to subgroups, or bundle any and each. And it is accompanied by an amazing application that people will love.

But don't take our word for it You can take a trial for free for 14 days!

Are you looking to create communities?

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