
Mar 27, 2023
Content marketing tips for creators

Table of Contents

  1. Step 1: Get help with editing
  2. Step 2: Automate transcription of interviews
  3. Step #3: Treat yourself to an automated scheduler for social media
  4. Step 4: Simplify your content curation
  5. Step #5: Keep it streamlined with templates for emails
  6. Step #6: Delegate, delegate, delegate!

It's hard to concentrate on the development of a company. Implementing some strategies for automating content marketing will assist creators in taking some time to relax and creating a professional content creator kit can create a better future.

There's nothing like being the boss of your own business, however it comes with the downside of having to manage all the details on your own. If you're a writer or visual artist, a podcaster, musician, or in charge of the community's members, making sure they are entertained requires constantly creating media and marketing it. It is true that it can save costs to create content by yourself, growing a business effectively means learning what to do and when to make adjustments. If you're a business owner, your time is valuable so you must focus on the information that propels your membership forward.

For the sake of growing your business (and having the ability to enjoy the time to relax whenever you need to! ), look for ways to take some of the marketing tasks off your plate. We've compiled a list of the most effective tips on content marketing that will streamline your workload and help to build your own toolkit for creating content:

Step 1: Ask for help with proofreading

Writers, and anyone who communicates on a regular basis, should know that it's crucial to sound professional. It is important to pay particular attention to the word you choose and punctuation and make sure your message gets across.

However, proofreading can take a lot of time and there are plenty of effective ways to minimize the amount of time making sure that your commas are in the right spot. Grammarly is a writing assistant. Grammarly helps entrepreneurs stay focused in creating quality writing. It has extensions available to Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge, Grammarly fits right to your work schedule.

You can even add it to your social media accounts as well as email accounts in project management software, and as a keyboard extension for your smartphone. And that's just the free version.

Step 2: Automate transcription of the interviews

Podcasters, interviewers, and even journalists know the process of writing content from interviews can be a pain. Instead of slaving through the same video more than a dozen times, think about recording each interview. The transcriptions of those interviews for you only helps you save time, it also provides a wealth of material for new content with minimal effort.

If you're on a limited (read: nonexistent) budget, creating the transcription on your own might be the best option however, we would recommend an online transcription company like Otter.ai or working with a freelancer. Groups on Facebook that focus on writing, platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, and companies like REV can all provide transcription at affordable prices.

Step 3 Take advantage of automated social media scheduling

Most people know about social media scheduling services such as Hootsuite or Buffer However, many don't know how to use them properly. In addition to reducing the time it takes to post social media content, these platforms take the decision-making process of determining the best times and dates to publish and also offer the option of bulk scheduling if you can create a large amount of content prior to time.

Social media content marketing tips for creators

Taking it one step further, paid platforms like Spout Social are also able to provide detailed analytics on social media as well as track competitors. Creatives may also want to look into the IFTTT (If This Then This) which offers free software that automatize things like sharing new blog posts to social media when they're published, sharing favorite YouTube videos, and connecting Instagram and LinkedIn.

Step 4: Make it easier to manage your curation of content

Another part of marketing via social media that is easy to automatize is curation and community management. Make sure you upgrade your content creator tool with news aggregator sites like Feedly and Panda provide easy to pull content on the internet through the input of subjects, keywords, or favorite publications.

To keep up with the community you belong to, the media monitoring website Mention keeps track of your social media profiles and notifies you when you are mentioned online.

5. Keep it streamlined with templated emails

Similar to social media content Email marketing is about sending relevant information at the right moment. Once you know what you're looking to communicate You can utilize platforms such as Mailchimp to complement the content creator toolkit for setting up and automating send your emails.

From emails and newsletters to reminders and follow-up emails about special events or sales All you need to do is create a template, plug your content and contacts in and then plan your marketing campaigns. Analytics like click through and open rates let you know how effective your message is and you can tweak it the way you want to.

Step #6: Delegate, delegate, delegate!

This has been mentioned previously in our other articles which discuss tips for content marketing and tricks, but we'll reiterate it here: you can't scale a business without delegating. As your fan base and the need for your content continue to increase, you'll eventually expand beyond what you can create on your own, and that's when you need to make some crucial choices.

Content marketing tips for creators

A lot of these platforms, in conjunction with an expert content creator kit, will save the time and energy of your team, but they also come with a steep learning curve. Eventually, the number of platforms you use to automate your content may result in a different type of stress. Consider the tasks that you feel less secure about, or even the ones that you just don't enjoy.

Do you prefer editing video over transcribing audio? Do you prefer content curation over research? Divide the tasks into two and then pass them on to another person, be it your co-host, business associate an intern or a creator with different skills. Maybe you'll be able to find an agreement that benefits both parties!

Be aware that these few guidelines for content marketing are only the start: there are countless ways to automate your marketing, and it can take some time to determine what is the most effective for your business. It will require some trial and error. There's never a better time than now to start Good luck!