
Jul 22, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

Image was designed by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Platforms for publishing and newsletters give writers with a chance to earn profits from their work by looking at the long-term. Instead of establishing affiliate programs, or cramming their websites with ads, writers must concentrate on the thing they love creating- writing.

The exchange model is beneficial both for creators and members. They are compensated by the creators for their content, while users can access the content they want as they enjoy it in silence, without of ads. If you're a journalist who's using an online journal or blog site, then this review will help you make the best choice about the one that is ideal for your needs.


Substack's aim is to provide artists with the equipment that they need in order to achieve their objectives. Substack provides a broad range of services to meet the demands of artists looking to have control over their work. Alongside choices for monetization, and management of their audiences Substack gives writers the ability to determine their own agenda and lay the basis for their long-term career.

Pricing and features

Substack describes itself as "a platform which allows you to develop your personal." Substack allows authors to publish an online publication which is accessible to users of the community and assists in building networks. It also generates income through subscriptions. Substack states that not a need for technical skills and they intend to "take complete responsibility of all elements, except for the most complex element (the design)." Substack asserts that they provide "true freedom" which means that the creator owns the copies of every bit of writing.

It's easy. Writers are able to upload their content using a variety of platforms, including Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, along with a myriad of custom-designed websites. It is possible to create a completely new website in just a few hours. When the website is ready and running, the creator selects content that is completely free. Other content goes to Substack. The Substack paywall. Substack has the ability to make 10% of earnings made in the event that the creator is earning money from the site However it's feasible to do this as long as the amounts are allowed, but Substack offers this service for absolutely no cost. Substack will provide this service free of charge. Substack team members say that it is possible to "start at the beginning of your journey when you sign up for Substack beginning with breakfast after which you can earn money in the afternoon before lunchtime." What are you able to do to accomplish this.


The Dashboard page will show you a listing of the blog posts that have been released and provides information regarding the most recent blog posts. You'll be able to see the stats that include the number of times the blog article you've sent out has been seen in addition to the number of users who have signed up to your mailing list and the overall number of visitors who visited your site.

There are plenty options to come up with the next piece of content. Create a fresh article, or an episode from podcasts, or make threads. In this section, you'll have the ability to look through your subscriber's details as well as their stats and preferences.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

The posts and articles that are included in Substack newsletters and blog entries are called "posts which are uploaded to the author's Substack page, under their profile. Once an account has been active, Substack automatically creates a draft of the draft. The system will ask users to sign-up to receive the weekly newsletter. The newsletter's users can then share its information on various social media sites. It is possible to edit or erase your blog prior to creating a new one.

Blog posts from Substack are highlighted on the main page

The process of writing or editing starts with the intro of the subtitles a title as well as the name of the writer. It is possible to invite authors to write on your behalf, and the text editor lets you add the appearance of headings, paragraphs and paragraphs as well as buttons, pictures, and other content using bold and italicized words as well as statements as well as bullet pointers.

Click on the Settings tab and choose Settings. Then, you'll have the option to alter the transparency to the public of the blog's posts. The blog may either post an article that's open to everyone and accepts comments, or it can not. Inside this section you can modify the date for publication and the date which your URL was created along with the hidden "draft link" to allow you to distribute your article to your family or friends (even before the publication date). You can make an initial test email and alter the preview of your content on social media accounts to make sure the arrangement of your images in a correct manner prior to sharing your information to friends that in your social network.

When you've completed the process of scheduling or publishing the blog's article, go back to the Posts page to see the number of people who have read your blog's content.


The dashboard lists the amount of subscribers as along with the total amount of paid and subscriber subscribers along with annualized gross revenue and numbers of subscribers for the past thirty and ninety days as well as over duration. The dashboard lists the email addresses of each subscriber. They can also choose the type of subscription they're a member of (free or paid) as well as the date they signed up, as well as the earnings each subscriber makes.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

If you're trying to get additional subscribers to your list it is possible to manually register your customers by using the email address you provide to convert the subscriber list using MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon as well as other platforms to the format of a CSV file. Then, transfer it. Substack uploader Substack uploader Substack uploader will upload any email address it is able to locate and display. However, it only displays the addresses that are in the database of emails.


On your Stats Page Stats page, you'll see how many people have visited your website. You can also examine the number of email messages that have been sent in a thirty or 90-day time frame, together with the day the newsletter first appeared.

The tab Traffic shows the top-rated web users and the sources. This could be directly through your website using the Substack account that you've set up through Substack Account. Substack Account, or even through other social media sites including Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tab gives you each and every aspect of the article including the date it was published and the year that it was made available as well as the number of readers (public and private) and details about distribution, such as the amount of emails opened by viewers and the open rate. It also provides subscription costs, or none after the time of day's completion and also the engagement (likes and comments).


Edit your publication's name and the title. Also, you can alter your options for discovering (such tags) and customize your About page by adding information about the benefits of your publication as well in registering as subscribers.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

There's an array of ways to change your tone and appearance of your website. Your logo is included in the design along with your cover image. This is along with your banner that you use for your marketing emails, as well as for your welcome mailer (which will be sent out to subscribers shortly following their sign-up). You can edit your email options, such as your email address, whether you want to receive emails with replies to your posts and your email address to RSS feeds such as [email][email][email[email protected]. Here you can create and unblock your accounts on social media, as well as Stripe to process payments.

Integrity and compatibility

One of the main benefits Substack's platform offers is the capability to import content from different platforms. This can help you save time because you don't require copying and pasting the content across every platform you use. Substack allows you to transfer information across various platforms like Mailchimp WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr as well as websites. RSS feeds Tumblr, TinyLetter, web-based RSS Podcast RSS feed Stripe and much more.

A majority of Substack's functions include storing and capturing data. Therefore, you could add the following: Google Pixel ID or Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID, Google Site Verification in along with Facebook Verification of Sites. Verification.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. For instance, if you're an active member on Facebook for instance, Facebook when you link your Facebook Pixel ID (found on the Facebook's Facebook Business Page) with Substack Facebook, Substack Facebook will track users who view ads that are in line with the interests of those who are viewing the ads.


Medium is a digital magazine and creator platform which offers diverse types of written content written by writers. Medium is a social networking website for writers that lets writers connect with their readers as well as communicate with publishers as well as other users with the same interest. The user interface of Medium is easy to use and includes an array of social capabilities, as well as a an integrated distribution system.

Pricing and other information

Medium.com offers a range of features and tools that aid writers as well as readers. Medium.com is now an ideal platform for both individuals and businesses to express their opinions and post news and information for the world.

It's easy to create and edit content with an easy editor. Medium is a free editor that offers important formats including headers, lists of photos along with multimedia data. Once you've completed your essay then you are able to upload it to Medium prior to making it available for anyone. You can be able to restrict the people that you can reach to a particular group of people.

Access to unlimited use costs $5 USD a month, if you pay a monthly fee or $50 USD annually to cover the entire year's costs if all fees are pre-paid.


Similar to other platforms offering social networks, Medium offers an extensive readership and a following who constantly seek the latest news. With the help of algorithms and curation using an editor's choice publication, the information in the articles are noticed and will frequently be been read. It helps authors and writers establish connections with readers and create an audience, as well as increase their exposure in their selected field of expertise.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

Medium is an enormous platform that provides authors the opportunity to reach out to more readers, and gain the recognition they deserve for their writing. The huge readership ensures that your content will be read by any individual who is interested to this area.

The functions of Medium that let you control your content, can help you to distribute the content you've made who are attracted. It will improve the chances that users will be interested in addition to the quantity of publicity your content gets. Through these methods of discovery, you will gain access to media distribution channels that will allow you to expand your audience and increase the reach of your content.

Post editor

Medium comes with a range of content creation tools with advanced formatting capabilities and embedding media with support for videos and photos, along with the option of adding specific codes. Medium lets authors create beautiful, appealing posts with high-quality content. Medium is an ideal choice for writers who like more of a visual style of writing.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

Through Medium's Post Editor which permits authors to alter the appearance and style of their blog posts in order to show their own brand. Medium allows the integration of multimedia. It permits seamless integration of pictures and videos and also interactive elements. If you're seeking to display your photographic skills or maybe provide info via images, Medium could be employed to develop attractive and appealing material.

Network effect

Medium creates a feeling of connectivity through features like notes as well as highlights, together with guidelines which allow authors to connect and communicate with readers. The tools for interaction allow rich discussions and provide authors with a secure platform for interaction with readers.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The influence of social media Medium is a key factor in boosting the amount of scrutiny that work by authors is exposed to. Because people can interact with articles with remarks or with clapping using the algorithm used by Medium examine the debate and then display the contents to a wider audience. The result of this on Medium platform allows authors access to a wider range of individuals than they're being exposed to and attracts readers who are enthralled with the topic they're covering.

Profiting from the success of your business Benefiting from the success of your company through Medium's Partner Program

Medium is an original way to earn money. It is a Medium Partnership Program. could be referred to as Medium Partner. Medium Partner Program. Authors can join the program to earn the extent of publicity their work receives. The program also offers reviews (Medium's equivalent to likings) in addition to the amount of time they spend reading. (While you can make money through Medium, it's far more probable to earn a small amount, which is less certain in comparison to Substack's subscription-based services.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

The Medium Partner Program assists writers in writing stimulating and engaging content that is well-liked by users. In identifying content based on user comments as well as their interactions, Medium promotes the development of high-quality content which stimulates readers and keeps them intrigued. Medium lets you earn cash from a completely free and open publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack permits independent writers to make money from their writing in addition to allowing publishing content that is shared by members of the group of members. It provides a simple but specific publishing platform. However, Medium has a huge amount of people using it, as well as it has the tools to create your own unique identity in addition to the feeling belonging to the larger community.

In providing pertinent and distinctive information to your clients and earning money from selling your goods it is possible to make money and remain in the process of developing your ideas. Each kind of content serves an important purpose but it's you to choose which is best for your needs and your customers. Be passionate about your writing!

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The article was published for the first time here on this website.

The first time the article appeared was on on this site.

The post first appeared on this site

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