
Jul 22, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

The photo was taken by Lucas George Wendt via Unsplash

Publishing platforms and newsletters allow writers to make money through their writing in a structured way. Instead of establishing affiliate programs, or filling their sites with ads the writers focus on their passions, and write about their interests.

It's an exchange benefiting both members and authors. Authors are paid for their work, and users are able to peruse the information they like and enjoy an enjoyable and ad-free experience. If you're a journalist, journalist, or a student who studies writing this article can help you in deciding which platform can meet your needs.


Substack's principal goal is to help authors with the tools required to fulfill their demands. Substack provides a variety of solutions that meet the demands of authors of content that work by themselves. From audience monetization through controlling the monetization process Substack gives authors complete control of their method of creating work, and also build careers that are ongoing.

Pricing and Features

The website is described as "a platform for writers to publish and create their writing" Substack offers writers an possibility to develop an online magazine that can create communities and make money by selling subscriptions. The company claims that no tech knowledge is needed and they "take the responsibility for everything, including the hardest part (the writing part of the program)." The company promises "true freedom" meaning that the writer has the copyright for all of their writing.

It's quite simple. Writers can import posts they've published on other platforms, such as Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, and create customized websites. Additionally, you are able to make your own web site for with no cost of content within a few minutes. Once the website is live and the owner selects content that is completely free as well as the ones that are subject to the paywall of Substack. Substack could earn a 10% revenue from the authors who make money through the website. But, for the time being, Substack is totally free. Substack claims to offer free service. Substack team advises to "start at the beginning of your day by joining Substack during breakfast to begin earning money by lunchtime." This is how to do it.


The Dashboard page shows the prior article you've composed, as well providing an outline of the current article that you're writing. It also includes details on the number of times you've viewed it as well as the amount of emails received and the number of emails read.

There are many options that will allow in the beginning of working on your next project. They allow you to start your episode or make posts or create a new thread. The section allows you to check subscribers' statistics and information, such as Subscriber's name along with settings.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

When it comes to Substack newsletters, they're classified into the group of "posts" and are posted on the author's Substack Account page. Once an account has been established, Substack automatically creates a first draft of the newsletter. Substack will send an automatic email to encourage users to join the blog's newsletter by the author and to share the article on social media networks. You can modify or delete this initial blog article that has been pre-populated. Additionally, you are able to begin creating your next blog post.

Writing or editing is started by introducing the title, subtitle and author's name. It is possible to ask writers to write for guests. You'll then be able to make use of an advanced text editor that allows you to add paragraph's text or images including headings, photos and images as well as buttons that contain bold, italicized or bold quotations and bullet points.

If you hit the Settings button, you'll have the choice to change the way the blog's contents appear. The blog can be accessed by both private and public users. In addition, you have the decision of whether or not you want to allow comments. This section allows you to modify the date of publication of your blog as well as your URL. You can also make an non-official "draft URL" in case you wish to spread the word about your blog's posts to close friends and relatives (even once the blog article is already published). You can send an initial testing email or even change your social media preview platforms to verify you have the correct images before you publish the article to your readers.

When you've posted and scheduled your article, you'll be given the option of going back to your Posts page to check the number of people who have been capable of reading your article.


The dashboard of subscribers displays the total number of subscribers, in addition to those that pay in full with the overall annualized revenues and the total amount of subscribers in the last 30-90 days as well as all duration. The dashboard displays the email address for each subscriber, along with the kind of subscription (free and paid) as well as the date that the subscriber signed up, as well as the amount of money earned per user.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

To add more subscribers, you can manually join them by using your customer's email addresses and export the subscriber list via MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon or other similar platforms. It can be saved in the format of CSV. CSV file. Upload it to Substack. Substack Uploader Tool This Substack uploader tool will download every email address it finds therefore you must only upload addresses you have included in your email list.


The Stats page, on which you'll get information about the number of visitors who have visited your site, in addition to the quantity of emails you've sent out over the course of 30-90 days, along with the date the newsletter began to go live.

The Traffic tab will show the number of people on the web along with the web address which brought them to the site. It could be on your original post, or your profile on Substack as well as other social media sites like Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tabs offer specific details regarding each blog entry that includes the post's title and publication date along with the targeted readers (public and private) along with statistics regarding the delivery process, such as the amount of open and how many possibilities are available as well as subscriptions that are priced at a cost or free in the first day and participation (likes as well as comments).


In this area, it's possible to alter the name of your book and the title of your publication. In addition, you can consider altering your options for discoverability (such tags) in addition to changing the appearance for your About page. The About page provides an overview of the advantages of publishing your content and also being an advertising-subscriber.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

Furthermore, you have the option select from many options to alter the design and style. Your blog will sport an individual look. Your logo appears on your blog's cover, or banner for email notifications, and your welcoming message (which is sent to readers who are new within a few minutes following signing into). Modify your settings for email sending. It includes the email sender's name and whether you would like to receive emails messages with replies to your blog's posts, along with your email address for RSS feeds, such as email secured [email]Secureemail Protected [Email] Secure email.. You can also block your social media accounts using Stripe to make payments.

Integrity and compatibility

One of the most significant advantages of Substack's services is the ability to import the content on various platforms. This will save you time as there's no requirement to duplicate content for each platform that you're on. Substack allows import for these platforms. These include mailchimp WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr RSS feeds for Web and RSS streams that work with Podcasts and Stripe as well as other platforms.

But, the majority of Substack's focus on integrations is around tracking and data that permits users to include these things: Facebook Pixel ID, Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID, Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID Google Site Verification, and Facebook Verification of your website.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. For instance, if you connect your Facebook Pixel ID (found in the Facebook page dedicated to your business) inside Substack Substack, Facebook can analyze your readership and then present ads which are appropriate to their preferences.


Medium, however, is a producer of publishing and platforms for content that house a range of content written by numerous authors. Medium is a crowd-sourced search engine. The result is that writers are able to join in with a huge crowd and communicate with others who read their writings or other work online with the same method of communicating. Medium's interface is easy to use and offers it with numerous social features and an integrated publishing platform.

Pricing and features

Medium.com offers a variety of options and capabilities for writers and readers. Medium.com is now a must-visit site for business and for those who would like to voice their thoughts, ideas, stories and opinions and also provide news to people in general.

It lets you compose and format your content with a user-friendly and easy editor. Medium is a subtle editor that offers all of the necessary options for formatting, including lists, headings, pictures and embedding multimedia content. Once you've finished your project and you're now ready to publish it on Medium you have the option of making it accessible to everyone or to limit the audience you publish it to a particular set of individuals.

The cost for unlimited access to the Internet will be $5 USD per month for monthly payments or $50 USD when a year's subscription is prepaid.


Similar to social media platforms, Medium is awash with a huge readership and follows who are constantly looking for interesting articles. Because of the algorithmic curation and curation process that also includes an editor's selection's newsletter, it is a popular choice for content and appreciated by many users. It helps authors and writers connect with the public and establish a following in addition to increasing the exposure they receive within their respective fields.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

The readership of Medium is large, which gives authors to interact with more people and getting more recognition for their efforts. With its vast reach, your work will be seen by those who are interested in the subject.

The curatorship area of Medium helps you to showcase your content to users that might be interested by it, increasing your chance to be involved and increasing the visibility of your material. By using these tools to discover as well as discovery, you are able to gain from the distribution channels offered by Medium and increase your exposure for your work.

Post editor

Medium is a collection of software to make media. It provides advanced techniques for designing and embedding multimedia that are assisted by videos and images as well as the ability to embed specific codes. This allows writers to produce amazing multimedia with elements of media that are high-quality that makes it ideal to those who write their articles using digital media, as well as those who wish to produce the content appealing visually.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

Through the use of Medium's editor and its editor that is flexible, users can alter the style and appearance of their content in line with their personal picture. Media integration is enabled by the platform. It allows seamless integration of videos with photos and other elements that interact. If you're looking to showcase your photography skills or share information through images Media can assist you in creating stunning videos.

Network effect

Medium fosters a sense of community through features like remarks, highlights and suggestions which allow writers to interact with readers. These tools facilitate conversations that are enjoyable and offer the right circumstances for writers to connect and communicate with their readers.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The effect of networks have on Medium is a key factor in bringing more people to the writing of authors. When readers react to the articles by clapping, sharing, posting comments, the algorithms employed by Medium analyze the conversation and display the articles for an even larger audience. Medium lets authors draw the attention of their current fans, as well as bring in new readers who are attracted by the topics they cover.

Earn money with The Medium Partner Program?

Medium runs on an exclusive method of monetization described as"Medium Partner Program. Authors have the option of signing into the program, and earn revenue according to the number of times the content is viewed by its users, which can be measured by applauds (Medium's equivalent to likings) and reading time. (While you can earn profits through Medium, the income you earn isn't as sure with Substack's subscription model.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

Medium's Partner Program enables authors to write engaging and useful articles which delight users. In rewarding content according to readers' feedback and responses to the article, Medium assists in creating high-quality content that captivates and engages the readers. There's an excellent opportunity to make money through an affordable and adaptable publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack allows independent authors to profit from their writing and to also claim an audience. Substack also provides a straightforward and specific publishing processes. However, Medium offers a vast user base, and the methods of locating that give users with the sense of belonging.

When you provide unique and beneficial contents to your audience, you may earn some money over time through the preservation of your work. Every choice has an purpose, and you have the option of choosing the best option for attracting readers. Be sure to be passionate in writing!

The original article was published on this website. the website

The original article was published on this website.

The post was published on this site.

Article was first seen on here

This post was first seen on here