The complete guide to asynchronous Meetings as well as Remote Communications |

Oct 22, 2023

Prior to my transition to remote working, I was employed in a remote team for the bank that was online. It was an ongoing test on different kinds of remote meetings, which varied but generally were successful.

It's however not always easy to increase efficiency or make sure that you have a smooth communication experience in remote meetings. Decide what kind of event you'd like to hold first.

This article (based on some research and personal experiences) will help you get knowing the various types of meetings that are run remotely, as well as the most efficient method to manage these meetings, using a few tricks and tips with the proper equipment to meet your needs as well as the general guidelines to follow when running online meeting.

The various kinds of remote meetings

Perhaps you haven't given this a lot of thought before today, but there's various remote meetings varieties (and you're likely already familiar with them). Because of the advances in technology that we're now able to be able to talk with remote employees as well as colleagues with the help of any of these methods, or combinations of them!


From all types of remote meetings that will be discussing in this piece, teleconferencing is probably the most tried and tested technique. Because it's a call, which is only audio, the technology for the method is quite old and more simple than other methods on the list.

The concept is that the host will be available on the telephone's line at a specific day and at a specific time. All participants will be able to dial into' through a phone number. Naturally, this kind of event is perfect for small groups of attendees. But, the chance of observing each other's presence can be a challenge in the event that multiple persons are speaking at the same time.

Video conferencing

With the advent of a certain pandemic, around 2020, videoconferencing has become an integral aspect of our lives because of apps like Zoom meetings, as well as Microsoft Teams.

Video conferences (conferences) have a similar manner to teleconferencing in sense that hosts host an event that's live and participants can join via a web-based hyperlink or phone number. But the primary difference is that attendees are fully able to communicate as well as using software to make meetings more productive and interesting.

Web conferencing

Lastly, the third most popular form of virtual gathering is the internet-based conference. It's easy to mix this one up with a videoconference, however it's a completely different thing. Web conferences tend to be used to host online events (like all-hands conference) and also web-based training and project collaboration in which meetings can benefit due to their operational component.

It's ideal for larger projects or large-scale corporate meetings. The configuration can be done similarly to the videoconference. It can need pre-registration or ticketed attendance.

Another layer of meeting styles. Additionally, you have the choice of'sync' meeting, or the async meeting.

What is an Asynchronous Meeting?

Asynch-based meetings are one type of event that isn't time-bound, and don't usually necessitate immediate action.

Synchronous communication vs asynchronous communication

As part of the job in digital banking that I've previously talked about it was about making sure that workers who were at a distance could feel relaxed and relaxed in the decision-making process and update of status, check-ins as well as team building activities. In order to accomplish this, they needed to utilize Asynchronous and Synchronous meetings. Each offers benefits and drawbacks.

The benefits of meeting in synchronization The advantages of meetings that are scheduled
Instant feedback about ideas The times for all times are listed.
Real-time collaboration Could be more than just an expression of generalization
Similar to meetings in person Time savings

     The advantages of synchronous meetings:    

  • It is the closest thing to in-person meeting.
  • immediate feedback on questions or discussions.
  • Being able to talk via live video is a great way to communicate their thoughts more quickly.

The downside:

  • The majority times there are people that tend to be quiet or shy and have a hard time fitting into the group.
  • But, if everyone wishes to discuss their ideas, the meeting will quickly become a chaotic gathering of individuals who are chatting about one another.
  • There is a chance that you'll experience technological delay or network issues at the time you require it most.

     Benefits of asynchronous meetings:    

  • If there's no pressure to act immediately, almost everybody has the chance to let their voice be heard.
  • It was easier to arrange the right times for meetings that were widely distributed, or included night group members on shifts (something my previous employer enjoyed enormously).

The downside:

  • Based upon the State of Remote Work report the survey found that 20% of the respondents said that loneliness was their main issue (which I am also able to attest) Meetings with Sync give you the chance to "see" others, so moving to asynchronous comm can add to loneliness.
  • In the event that an immediate response isn't needed, team members might forget to take action or respond altogether.
  • A common issue for remote workers, as according to Statista report which also applies to meetings using async (since they could go from one place to the next throughout the time of the day) is lack of the ability to connect.

If you're looking at both advantages and disadvantages there's a matter of choosing which format is best for the occasion instead of choosing between two extremes. In this article I'll go into a little more detail on meetings that have been async since today (since they're not as well-known).

What are the best ways to conduct an efficient Asynchronous Meeting?

Now that you're aware of the types of remote meetings there are along with the different options to host them. But what do you need to consider when planning an online meeting? It can be a challenge even if your experience is with live-streamed meetings.

Because I don't have any prior knowledge of organizing meetings (only taking part in them) I sought out two experts, among them a former Project Manager who later became a writer for use, Laura Bosco and Laura Bosco, about what they believed made the most successful Asynchronous meetings. What she said: to discuss:

HTML0 "--the nature and context that the messages async has has been key factors for me, and continue to be an important factor working with customers.

Context: Certain kinds of messages, comments or queries are more sensitive or at risk of being misinterpreted. Video is more efficient than text because people are able to listen to your voice and be able to see your face. This decreases the likelihood of injury and misperceptions.

Format: Big fan of BLUF (bottom-line-up-front) in most written comms. It's also more powerful. If you're clear and concisely said your message, you're more likely to be able to obtain all the info you require. It's also a way to show empathy towards those who are receiving it. This shows appreciation for their effort and also all the daily influx of emails.

     Additionally, there's text formatting. Bullets, headers, bold or italics when responding to crucial requests...these don't devalue the recipient. They help them digest your messages . "

Laura isn't alone to recommend that the use of context-based communications is the best way to make use of the async communication. Michael Steele, CEO of Flywheel Digital (a remote-first technology marketing firm) who makes a lot of use for Notion, Google Docs, along with Slack for building their technology stack. Also, he said:

     "A vital aspect of achieving the ability to succeed in today's world of constant communication with customers and employees is providing information. All parties involved should know about the goals and the latest developments, or events of note, and have the ability to have access to key documents, such as strategies, marketing personas and reports on performance.

In the absence of a framework to coordinate communications, miscommunications often arise and time is spent repairing errors and making corrections which could be easily avoided through having the proper details available at the beginning. "

Regarding the practical aspect of managing meetings, the founder of ScrapingBee (a 100% remote company) Kevin Sahin says that alongside holding short sessions that live stream and are assisted by memos made using Notion and Slack They also use Slack:

"Slack is an asynchronous" and makes use of Slack status to decide whether a person is able to be reached by phone, or if they are not. When we send messages to Slack but we don't expect a response in a short time. Important to keep in mind. It is the general rule to choose the best application for the job."

In order to conduct an effective meeting that is synchronous, it is essential to ensure you're properly using the software by providing context. that the topics the participants are discussing are easy and easy to manage.

9 tips to plan and conduct the perfect meeting remotely

No matter if your remote meeting is synchronous or not, but there are several general guidelines for ensuring that they run smoothly. These suggestions are based on the latest research in addition to the experience. I'll present them in the post-, pre- middle and post-format for people who prefer the real-time format. But, they can be used to facilitate meetings in an asynchronous or synchronous mode.

Before meeting:

  1. It is crucial to ensure that only those that are necessary are allowed to take part. If you overcrowd the virtual gathering, such as Slack or videoconference it is likely that the details will be lost and less people are capable of actively participating.
  2. Make a crystal-clear agenda. You can set agendas for either real-time or async-based conference using the program that you like. During the time I was working at the financial industry We developed Notion templates with fill-ins which reflected current events as well as action points.
  3. Set meeting standards. Laura also mentioned her best strategy for success, which is to develop and disseminate "how to collaborate" documents ( like this one) to help establish norms and expectations for meetings, as well as different types of communications.

     The time of the session:    

  1. Begin and end in the same time. This point is especially relevant for remote meetings. Nothing is more frustrating than showing on time to an event or not being able to make it in time. It's essential to adhere to the people who are attending. The same is true of meetings in asynchronous mode. If you don't respond within an acceptable amount of time, your information could be lost, or deadlines may not be met.
  2. Make it brief. Similar to the prior point, there's no much point in having an hour-long livestreamed conference if it is possible to create everything that you'd like with async or smaller groups. When using async, avoid writing large blocks of text or long pauses in recorded videos.
  3. Make sure everyone is identified or recognized or. As I mentioned in the past, not everyone has the required personality to be capable of expressing their views in real-time conversations, async communications allow those who aren't capable of expressing their views. When you are administrator, or facilitator of meetings, it is vital to keep track of the participation of attendees.

Following the gathering:

  1. Get feedback from the participants. If you're experimenting with different types of events and activities, it's important to gather feedback from participants in order to discover what elements do not work in the manner of communication and the style. Certain software might perform better than others on different people.
  2. Create a channel for the communication of follow-up. Generally speaking, it's recommended to set up an avenue of communication, or an online forum where attendees can discuss specific details of the occasion or update on action things without disrupting the actual meeting.

You're probably thinking "those suggestions are nice and well, but which programs do they actually work with? " The next paragraph will assist with that.

Software to facilitate remote meetings

Of course, one of the foremost aspects to take into consideration when conducting remote meetings, of whatever kind, is using the appropriate technology first. When it comes to meetings that are synchronous among videoconferencing, the most well-known options including Zoom, Microsoft Teams/Skype, and Google Meet do the trick very well. But, there's a distinct different between meetings that happen synchronously.

There are a few known Asynchronous Meeting Software (which are typically tools to manage projects) as well as others earlier mentioned are:

Selecting the best software to host your virtual gathering

The majority of the tools for collaboration that I've discussed above use text, or can be employed to communicate. Certain tools combination of text, images videos or even texts. As Laura has mentioned previously, context and contextualization are crucial.

For simple project updates

If you're looking for ways to bring people up speed about what the circumstances are, software such as Trello, Asana, and Notion are excellent for this. In my situation, for instance, I (and my former employer) utilize Notion boards to provide information on the progress of projects in addition to viewing comments.

asana board

You can create an organization which resembles the board by using the programs mentioned earlier.

For continuous updates

If you're part of a team or a group that has to be accessible, but cannot hold a meetings that are held in person. The majority of the software on this list are great, Basecamp in particular is amazing, but Slack takes the cake on this list.

In my previous workplace, there was a system where everyone had the Slack channel they wanted to use where stand-up sessions could be held which were synchronous and also the company's channels to facilitate general discussions. But, I do not have access to this particular Slack workspace, however I do possess Slack workspaces that I am using in a similar way:

slack screenshot

More complex or delicate information

Like Laura said, certain kinds of information require an individual note. There's no reason for preserving details that are misunderstood or hidden in the chaos of blog posts and other work. To prevent this from happening it from happening, you'll have to use video. We are here to support you.

screen recorded presentation gif

You can also monitor the number of people that have viewed your film, and to collaborate on the comment section.

It can be difficult to decide what software or procedure that you should use since each team is unique in its strategy, therefore it's beneficial to test the method initially and never be afraid to move on when one doesn't work best for you.

The remote playbook: etiquette when meetings take place on the internet

The next topic to be covered in this guide is the etiquette of meeting. Certain aspects may be similar for those who've been in the past on topics before, but it's worthwhile explaining exactly what the generally accepted rules when it comes to remote meetings.

Asynchronous meetings are common experience. We've had numerous Zoom sessions that taught us these general guidelines (and sometimes, we've broken them):

  • You should ensure that you're not a muted state when speaking.
  • Find a quiet spot so that others can be focused only on you (not the washer in the background).
  • Check out the features you'd like to include prior to making a decision, so you do not waste your time thinking about it at the time of your meeting.

However, the situation can be quite different if you look at Asynchronous gatherings. How people conduct themselves may differ based on manner of communication, as well as the way of communication.

For channels using text (e.g. Notion, Slack etc.)

  • You must ensure that you're posting pertinent information on the right channel, thread/page (or when you're discussing something of interest, provide a hyperlink to the discussion thread or page).
  • You shouldn't view it as an email. It's crucial to take note of an email or a project rather than sending it to your inbox (in Slack you can mark the message by using emoticons! ).
  • Be aware that each person has individual lives. The synchronous message can cause you to forget that you're performing exactly the same thing as they do. You must ensure that the other person is online prior to making a push-message to them.

     Video calls that are synchronous    

  • Make sure your camera as well as your microphone are of sufficient quality for others to comprehend what you're talking about.
  • Create a message that you would like to convey to all the people anyone who wants to sit and go to a movie but not be able to learn any new information.

These are not a set of standard rules. The company you work for might have particular guidelines for the way you communicate with your colleagues and the best tools to use. It is crucial that you remember these guidelines while learning the basics or making these guidelines.

Start off on an outstanding start when you join meetings online

As with many relationships being able to communicate effectively is an essential element to a productive daily operation, but it does not have to be constantly.

Remote meetings that are synchronous will help you have better conversations, and connect all your colleagues and create an environment that is open (since the conversations that are regularly conducted synchronously are usually recorded). If you're considering switching to asynchronous meetings, it is advisable to try various strategies to find out what works best for your needs.

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