The Complete Guide to Clickfunnels and. Kajabi |

May 28, 2024

Kajabi and ClickFunnels both have high name recognition for digital marketers, and both have powerful funnel and marketing tools for making and selling digital goods. Because they both have some of the same features-funnels, email, marketing tools and course hosting etc.--it could be difficult to decide which is the best for you.

In this piece will cover:


  • What is HTML0? Kajabi as well as ClickFunnels are        
  • The most important benefit of every        
  • Which is best for your needs        


What is Kajabi?

Kajabi was launched in 2010 as an online education along with a platform for marketing. Kenny Reuter built it after trying to market the lawn sprinkler that he designed after realizing that he could not find an online sales platform that he was happy with. This led to an online platform for courses that provides course creators with the tools to build and sell courses. The platform has become an essential part of the economy that is based on creators.

Graphics - Kajabi homepage

The platform brings together a learning management system with the software for authoring that makes managing an online-based learning business simple. Furthermore, Kajabi integrates marketing tools, too, including options like pre-designed funnels for the sale of specific digital goods. Add an email program for handling prospects and nurturing customers and you've got yourself a excellent digital learning platform.

in 2023 Kajabi was also launching Kajabi 2.0 which included a new community platform and some classes and live meetings, though it is an app that is separate from the original. The year 2023 was when Kajabi declared that they was responsible for the creation of $5 billion.

    The pros from Kajabi


  • Comprehensive course platform        
  • Marketing funnels built-in        
  • Integrated emails as well as page building        

    The cons of Kajabi


  • Integrated email and pages        
  • Costly        
  • is best suited for asynchronous courses        
  • Separate course delivery and live engagement platforms        

What is ClickFunnels?

Unlike Kajabi, ClickFunnels is a marketing platform that was first. It was created by Russel Brunson in order to make conversions and sales easy with online businesses. It is a marketing procedure that guides potential buyers through a value pyramid until a percentage of them convert and buy. ClickFunnels was created to make this process of internet-based sales more efficient.

Clickfunnels - Home

It includes a variety of ready-made funnels to market nearly anything. The funnel templates you choose are such as the sales funnel for courses or the membership funnel. The process is in place and getting started with learning to make use of ClickFunnels is straightforward. Just add the information about your item or service and voila, ClickFunnels can sell it and host the landing page. ClickFunnels also has an email service to keep in touch with new customers.

The year 2022 was when ClickFunnels introduced a plethora of new features, moving beyond just funnel building by incorporating web hosting, complete website creation, and online courses. The new features are in the same category as Kajabi.

    Pros of the ClickFunnels


  • There are a myriad of funnels you can choose from        
  • Page-building and email included        
  • Easy to setup        
  • Advanced features in marketing and automated features        

    Contradictions of ClickFunnels


  • Course builder isn't great        
  • Low app coverage        

Are they the identical?

Both Kajabi as well as ClickFunnels come with marketing and sales tools, including pre-made funnels as well as email marketing software. Here are some of the other areas of cross-over (we'll cover these more in-depth below ).


  • Simple to build landing pages using templates that you can choose from.        
  • Customized sales funnels designed for different types of digital companies .      
  • Hosting services for various kinds of websites and landing pages        
  • Find functions as well as other useful digital business tools.        

Kajabi 2.0 - app screens

What are the differences between them?

You can spot the difference between ClickFunnels vs. Kajabi by reading their origin stories above.

Basically, ClickFunnels started as a funnel marketing platform and added other features later. Kajabi was initially conceived as a learning platform that had built-in marketing functions.

Each of the platforms excels at what they were created for:


  • Kajabi is an extremely good course platform with decent marketing tools.        
  • ClickFunnels is an extremely efficient funnel-builder but with a less than perfect courses platform.        

We'll go further into detail below.

ClickFunnels - Editing funnel

ClickFunnels vs. Kajabi: The comparison

1. The funnels


When it comes to funnels, there's an explanation for why Russel Brunson is a household name. he does. ClickFunnels provides a wide range of different funnels you can choose among. All are proven templates. It is similar to a webpage builder, you customize the funnel to suit your requirements. It's not just a template. You can also include pages or features as you'd like. The funnels you create have the look and feel of the brand you own.

These templates don't only look good. They're created for UX and marketing success, giving you the power of an experienced marketing team backing your back.

Clickfunnels - Product sub categories

You can connect payments to the funnels, and also connect a ton of additional Integrations like Shopify, GoToWebinar, ConvertKit, Hubspot, and MailChimp.


Kajabi's funnels work with a similar premise similar to ClickFunnels'. The funnels are designed and ready be used, all you have to do is select an appropriate template, and fill in your info. As with ClickFunnels' templates Kajabi says that their templates have been tested by experts and are specifically optimized for use cases.

You may select your specific funnel need as you start.

Kajabi integrated marketing

After you have selected your funnel, Kajabi feels much like ClickFunnels. It allows you to choose an integration option, customize the funnel to reflect your company's style, integrate with other software such as Stripe or Paypal as well as link to landing and email pages.

Which is best?

There's no winner that stands out. Both Kajabi and ClickFunnels provide identical funnel choices. ClickFunnels provides more funnels - it offers 100 while Kajabi offers 6. This may not matter to you if Kajabi still serves your requirements.

The best way to decide is probably what you're able to sell, and that's where we'll begin next.

Kajabi app

2. The products

The choice between ClickFunnels or. Kajabi will probably happen here. This is because each works best for a certain type of digital item.


    The best way to sell classes

Kajabi is the most effective tool of the two for selling course content. There's no way to compete. While it's true that ClickFunnels has a lot of advantages but the platform for courses is the most shaky point. It's basically a video or content library, with little organization.

In comparison, Kajabi is one of the most popular platforms for courses that is available, particularly for pre-recorded online courses, as well as synchronous ones. It offers evaluations, lesson tracker, content drops, and grades. You can create and modify the pages of your course or use templates. And you can add content in almost any media.

Kajabi's weakness in courses is the lack of tools to teach live classes. They acquired Vibely to provide additional community and video calling functions, but it's on different platform, with separate application.

However, there's no doubt that Kajabi is the better option for course-related teaching; this could apply to the coaching programs too-which are in many ways similar with online-based courses.

While Kajabi isn't without its problems for members-only and live products, it's probably still more effective than the other. ClickFunnels's membership system is more basic, it's only the paywall and content that is gated.

If you're creating communities or a membership program one of the two options is the most suitable. We've compiled our top 10 lists of membership platforms here.

online course funnel


    The best way to sell everything else

ClickFunnels is best for all the other stuff. It's the stuff that's not classes. This could mean selling an e-commerce product, a book, or generating leads for businesses that provide services. These are the things ClickFunnels can do better than Kajabi since Kajabi does not really focus on creating such funnels.

If you're selling something that's not a course, ClickFunnels will probably be the best option. With a variety of funnels available for every use case, it's easier to find the perfect funnel for your specific product.

Kajabi app

Should you integrate ClickFunnels to Kajabi?

As a follow-up question You might be wondering, "What if I just connect ClickFunnels as well as Kajabi?"

This probably wouldn't make sense for the majority of people. If you're developing a product that requires hosting in Kajabi, aka a course, you'll be better off just using the funnels offered by Kajabi. There's not a huge difference and everything will be one place. The extra you pay for ClickFunnels could not be worth it - Kajabi is already expensive enough.

3. The marketing suite

Next, let's talk about the tools that Kajabi as well as ClickFunnels offer. Both companies have leaning into the website and landing page builders as core components of their services.

The two platforms are able for the creation of websites or landing pages. They're both simple and simple to use and lets you pick from various types of pages, including home pages as well as blog posts. We've mentioned before that using Kajabi you can also customize the pages of your courses, whereas ClickFunnels' courses are restricted in their the design. But both have a lot of template pages you can choose from and is easy to build the visually appealing web-based integrations you need for your site.

Both platforms offer emails. Kajabi's email software lets users send emails directly from their Kajabi account-potentially replacing a third-party email program. Kajabi's email functions are integrated to its integrated approach and the email can be connected to other components of the funnels and course delivery. Kajabi offers a multi-touch approach to delivery with premade sequences and numerous templates that you can pick from.

In contrast, ClickFunnels' email software is more closely connected to the funnel function and isn't a product-related email tool. But it has powerful features as well, such as an autoresponder, pre-designed emails templates, as well as marketing functions including cart recovery. Users can be segmented by sales history or segments.

Kajabi 2.0 - app screens

Which one is the best?

Both Kajabi as well as ClickFunnels offer decent (not good) website builders that give the tools you require to create a basic web page for a brand or product that can support sales. Neither are as good in the sense of a website builder, but Kajabi has the better site builder of both. Kajabi has also the advantage over email applications, but they aren't in a straight race, and it gives users more features. Both platforms are essentially good email software with lots of helpful marketing features like automatizations, sequences and segmentation.

But, ClickFunnels does a better job of integrating advanced marketing functions, and they're still adding new tested functions all the time. such as countdown funnels and store funnels, and intelligent checkouts.

The Integrations

The more popular of the two is ClickFunnels has way greater integrations. Kajabi only has 15integrations, but you are able to integrate more using Zapier.

    ClickFunnels Integrations

Actionetics, MailChimp, Twilio, Shopify, ActiveCampaign, AWeber, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, Drip, EverWebinar, Facebook, GetResponse, GoToWebinar, HubSpot, Infusionsoft, Kajabi, Mad Mimi, Market Hero, Maropost, PushCrew, SalesForce, Sendlane, ShipStation, SlyBroadcast, WebinarJam Studio, Zapier, ZenDirect, Zoom and Android, Apple & Pay,, Bluesnap, ClickBank, EasyPayDirect, JV Zoo, Keap, NMI (Gateway Funnel Pros), PayPal, Recurly, Stripe, Warrior Plus

    Kajabi Integrations, Zapier, MailChimp, Segment, Stripe, Meta Pixel, Google Analytics, ConvertKit, Drip, PayPal, ActiveCampaign, Aweber, Google Tag Manager

The applications

ClickFunnels has a stats app to use on iOS as well as Android however it's not well graded. While ClickFunnels creates mobile-friendly products and funnels however, it's really not meant for creating and using an app to run your online business.

Comparatively, Kajabi does have apps which you can utilize to run your business however, it also allows you to make content. This is a superior choice for creatives who depend on mobile-first development. The main functions of Kajabai for memberships and community can be found in an entirely separate application. That means that to run your community and a course together, your members must install two apps. Be aware, Kajabi is a great online course platform, however its flaws include live courses and community features.


The final analysis, Kajabi vs. ClickFunnels is really about what you're trying to build.


  • Marketing funnels that are pre-recorded into course sales? Use Kajabi.      
  • The creation of complex funnels that sell any other product than a course? ClickFunnels is probably the better option. There are more funnels to pick from, specialized tests and scenarios, as well as more integrations.      

Want another option?

For building membership sites as well as communities and courses Come build your own with Mighty! Mighty is one of the most popular platforms for selling digital goods. Through the power of community flywheels, a platform turns funnel's logic upside down. With the help of the flywheel of community allows you to place product sales on autopilot-growing through the existing customers.

If you're looking for an online platform that connects classes and communities together, then join forces with Mighty! We're ranked G2's #1 software for managing communities. You can try it free!

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