The Passive word means: Designing and implementing Online courses requires active involvement.

Sep 5, 2024

In the majority of service-based companies that generate income through leverage and passive products sound like a great concept, however there's a myriad of psychological and mental concerns that may arise when entering the realm of leveraged income. It's not true that passive revenue is the best form of income. Yes, it's possible to make money sitting in bed and go to the beach. Yes, there's no reason to advertise it to me.

What if, however, you actually consider the customers that are buying your product? In the case of, say, you don't want to head off to the beach, but rather, you'd prefer to stay around, clasp hands, discuss concerns and really support your customers through the program?

Is that a sign of an unprofessional person?

Do you think that this means that you're simplyleveraging however you're not creating true passive income so you're failing?

Not at ALL.

We're here to inform you that leveraged is now the latest black.

Additionally the passive income was an important source of income in this past year.

HTML1 Online course creators who are successful stay in touch with their customers

Heart-centered, beautiful entrepreneurs are creating amazing leveraged programs, and staying connected to their community which is loving how they go about it.

In an age where customers have ALREADY signed up for dozens of online programs and haven't completed their self-study programs, another is regarded as the noise of.

In this day and age we live in, many people feel resentful in being shoved through automated pipelines and lead generation and generally forced to leap through hoops to decide on the amount of money you'd like to make and how for you to receive it, online buyers have resisted. They're refusing. Delaying the decision until they can collaborate with a person one-on-one, or in a high-touch group program which requires lots of face-to-face interactions.

for creators of connected courses This might be GREAT news.

Personally, I don't have it within my genes to create a living that's completely passive. The first income-generating product was a calendar for yearly entrepreneurs that cost $19.98. At the first time I released it I was able to sell 170 copies which were stunning. After that, I started communicating with buyers to ensure they were filling it in and to determine if they found it helpful in addition to providing tips on how to keep it throughout the season.

It is not an investment product with a passive income. Actually, I was chastising buyers to get their feedback as well as to help them making use of the product!

A year later, I unveiled The Heart and Soul planner again during the last quarter of the year. It was this time with two workshops that took place live, one of which I guided participants through the page each one by one by answering questions and offering recommendations and another workshop in which I helped participants come up with their own plans for implementation to make sure it didn't become just another dust collector.

By turning my passive product into one that could be used, I saw a variety of benefits for both buyers and sellers:

  1. I was more connected to the people who purchased and made sure they got great value - felt good for me, and also good for them.
  2. I made a TRIBE, it was a live conference together. members were communicating with each others, cheering one another up and collaborating with each other on thoughts and ideas. There was no divide or conquering - rather it was all about uniting and collaborating.
  3. My name was a familiar one to people and, consequently, my KLT (know and like to trust) score skyrocketed.
  4. The move to more expensive products was phenomenal - out of the 256 women who bought this year, about three have become VIP customers, 14 took part in one of my signature programs, and at least 20 students have signed up for my business school in just six weeks. The conversion will continue all through the year, I am sure.

When you're contemplating and planning your next program, course, or product take into consideration of designing something that's more energetic and not as active. You may have demonstrate more consistent with your effort.

You never know when you'll discover you like the concept.

Tash Corbin is a mentor and business coach to heart-centered soul entrepreneurs. She is a lean startup specialist and supports women in establishing an income that is passive and leveraged. The Heart-Centred Facebook group was founded by her Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs is now home to 10,000 people, and growing rapidly.

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