Three Things You Need to Perform Following the Online Course Launch (When You Didn't Reach Your Sales Targets)

Oct 22, 2023

It's been said hundreds of times. "How to begin the course that will cost you six figures".

It's precisely what you're looking to find, isn't it? The launch of an online course could bring in a whole year's worth of income all in one go.

The process of launching an online course is a fine art and requires a lot of moving elements that demand the patience of a trials and errors to reach the perfect result. It's not as easy like making a design.

It's not like I need to say it because I'm certain that at the time you launched your online course, you adhered exactly, and you didn't reach your sales goals.

Maybe, perhaps even more alarmingly there was no purchase at all.

The worst feeling, isn't it?

It's like you've spent all your time effort and expense to get little in return.

The feeling is that you've been to be a complete fail!

Be wary of relegating your program into"the "failed product" graveyard in the meanwhile, as even if your program doesn't reach the sales goals you set, it does not mean that your program does not work!

It's actually the actions you take post-launch of your product that will determine whether or not it will make the difference between its success or the failure.

Because it's just after the time of launch is a great time to profit from the excitement surrounding the launch and earn more money when the launch is complete and you are ready for the next event.

3 Things to Consider After the Launch of Your Online Course

We often take the announcement of an online class that did not go according to schedule as a personal attack on us. It's not.

Important to understand that the launch of your course isn't about the course itself. It's about the ideal client and it could take many different reasons that they did not buy the course.

The reason could be because it was not the right moment.

Okay, they might have signed up for the opt-in forms or in your webinar due to having a genuine interest in your topic, but the webinar may not appeal to people right now. If it is launched again the webinar, it could be that it's not as if you've lost them as a possible client.

This might mean that students didn't think they'd need anything as extensive as your instruction. That's great to know that in such a case you'll still have them interested in your topic.

You may not have identified your ideal buyer and your message did not resonate to them at a deep enough level to make them change their mind.

Good news is that all those things can be changed into opportunities by doing these 3 actions:

Make a Down Sales

If someone does not purchase your program, it doesn't mean they won't buy your course at all.

Why? They don't know that they trust, respect and appreciate your personality enough.

The reason for this is that the down sale offer can come into.

The down-sell offers provide the opportunity to test the full range of products at the price you could pitch to those who have gone through the process of launching but were not capable of purchasing.

Here are a few instances of a down sell:

1. Self-study versions of the live streamed class
    The users would have access to all the same modules, but without the live support group component.

     2. The fundamental modules of your course

If, for instance, the course you are teaching includes six modules, the down sell may include the initial two modules in order to assist students with getting going.

     3. A coaching call

One of the drawbacks to the number of people who launch classes is that at times, people simply experience "Learning fatigue" and need an individual consultation. An coaching session or bundle of calls is an ideal downsell.

After you've made your decision regarding your offer to sell, the time is now to forward an email to those on your subscribers.

It is essential to ensure that you send only the item to people who did not purchase the item.

A few days after the course is over You should then make an email that is casual to the person receiving it, "Hey, I know you weren't a part of the course but there's no regrets I'm here to help you with this easy course that will aid you on your way to success. "

3 Things to Do After Your Online Course Launch | Sasha Peakall

The addition of a down sale can add hundreds if not thousands of dollars to your total launches sales, making it a real offer. isn't a lot of work on your part.

The simplest method is to simply duplicate the course in the duplicate, remove all modules and lessons not within the class.

In the event offering a session with a coach as your down-sell you can create this in just a several minutes with an application similar to Acuity which manages all payments needs, such as your schedule call bookings, reminder emails.

However, the sales don't end with the point of down-selling. If someone purchases the down-sell, you can sell them on the complete program later, after having had a chance to take an overview of the incredible contents of your down-sell!

People who Didn't Spend on Money

It's been a while since you've put out your down-sell. However, there's an entire group of customers on your list who haven't bought, and it's your job to figure out the reason.

In order to ensure that your venture's next one is more profitable You're probably going to have modify some elements and the best people to ask about the things that are needed to be changed are those who haven't bought.

That's where a survey could be beneficial. You can set surveys within 5 minutes with platforms like Monkey Survey. Monkey.

The next step is to distribute the survey via an email to everyone that didn't purchase the program you are selling or a down-sell approximately a week following the mailer with the down-sell promotion goes out.

There are three key points you should learn from the participants in the launch process so that you'll have a better launch next time around.

     1. What is your biggest challenge with regard to [INSERT your topic here[INSERT YOUR TOPIC HERE] ]?

The purpose of this question is to find out if the marketing and positioning to promote your course was focused on their biggest issue. If your responses reflect in a majority the problem your course was seeking to resolve If the answer is that yes, then you've tapped an appropriate audience during your program of launch.

However, if the answers diverge, it's time to take an examination of your perspective and potential disconnect between your main magnet that you will use to promote your course and the topic of your class.
    If the lead-in magnet of your event did not have an immediate connection to the core challenge your program was solving, it's likely that you've attracted those who weren't a good suitable for the launch.

     2. Which of the following best describe you?

The aim is to find out the kind of person, and what kind of situations your drawing is so that you can really focus on your message in the future.

In the case of, say, your course was for moms who work, your classes might include:

A) I have a kid at home
    B) A child who attends pre-school 2 days per week.
    C) I have kids in the school for 5 days each week.

If you decide to launch the new campaign, it's possible to adapt your messages according to the situation or challenges the user is having to face.

     3. Why did you not consider taking part in the program?

It is here that you'll find the real route of the matter. Was it the cost, or had it to do with do with timing? Perhaps they simply registered for the webcast to see if they could be interested?

3 Things to Do After Your Online Course Launch | Sasha Peakall

 Set up a sales funnel

It's great news if you've launched your business, it indicates that you've most of the elements of a profitable sales funnel.

All you need to change is adapting your content for the evergreen environment and then modify based on the results of the study. This entire system is was designed to sell evergreen in as little a seven days.

     1. Make the Webinar into an Automated Webinar

     2. Incorporate Evergreen Scarcity on the Your Selling page

Scarcity is one of the most efficient methods to boost the sales. Even if there's not a LIVE deadline for closing your cart isn't an excuse not to include the concept of scarcity into your sales funnel.

There are a couple of strategies to do this. Create an evergreen cart that is closed, meaning that if the participants aren't signed up within the time period you specify (48-72 hours) they aren't able to register to your course.

It is possible to also receive a limited time discount.

What is the best way to achieve this evergreen shortage? By making use of countdown timers which automatically redirect to another webpage once the timer is over.

You're worried about who will take advantage of your facility outside of the opening and closing or the limited time discount beyond the time you're currently in, don't.

A majority of timer applications and platforms make use of cookies to monitor the number of people who have been on the webpage. That means after the timer has ended and the user is no longer on the page, they will not be able to be able to access the discount if you've set up a redirect URL which either will take users to the cost version or to a closed page.

3. Design Your Automated Sequence Of E-mails

Use what you learned through your research results in order to improve the content of your emails to launch for a stronger experience.

The next step is to market your new evergreen opt-in and course!

Keep in mind that even if a launch does not go according to plan, it doesn't mean your course has failed. Do these 3 things after your launch and not just will you be able to increase your earnings get from your event, but also increase your chances of having more launches will launch the next time!

Are you prepared to investigate the course's launch, and then turn it into an evergreen sales funnel?

Check out this FREE email course Launch on the Sales Funnel

Sasha Peakall is The Sales Funnel Strategist, Copywriter and analytics nut. She aids with creative, goal-oriented females in the business world to solve issues with courses and transform their sales funnels to revenue-generating ones which sell courses automatically. Discover how to go from being stressed about launching your course into profitable passive income with her training course starting with Launching and turning into a sales funnel.

     This article was first released in 2017. This new version was made available on October 20, 2023.

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