What Adrian Dalsus is changing musicians' lives with his knowledge in marketing

Sep 22, 2022

Explore the different ways Adrian Dalsus combines his years of expertise in marketing and his passion for music to aid artists in making their mark within the music business.

After a decade of his professional career in advertising and marketing, Adrian Dalsus had a spark of hope. He wondered how he could blend his experience in marketing along with his love of music?

In the beginning, Adrian was running his own marketing agency specifically for small-sized businesses. Aiding clients from corporate companies to set up sales funnels as well as generate leads was exciting. However, there was something missing.

Music has always been a major part of Adrian's life. Prior to his profession in sales and marketing, Adrian was a member of an ensemble. They were close to making their mark when they were awarded an award at a music festival, and had their music heard at a popular Radio station in Venezuela But, they were unsure of the best way to capitalize on that energy.

"We missed many opportunities," Adrian remembers. "We were not aware of media relations, writing brand or press releases, getting media coverageand even the idea of taking our music out of the bubble of family and friends."

A few years later, Adrian realized that his professional experience gave him valuable information which could assist musicians in marketing their music, distribute music in a way that will increase their reach. "How do we know that we as musicians aren't aware the possibilities are available, and that we could create campaigns, and that we can use our imaginations to incorporate marketing strategies into the music industry ?"

A well-planned marketing strategy, Adrian theorized, could assist musicians to establish their career and improve the chances of success instead of waiting in the wings. So Adrian began to implement.

Presently, Adrian runs his own music-related marketing company, Despegue Musical . The publications , online courses  as well as digital items offer musicians the means to promote their music and make their music more visible in the competitive world of music.

Through throughout his career, Adrian cultivated a deep understanding of the audience he served by carrying out market research paying attention to the feedback of followers and placing his trust in his skills as a professional.

This is the way Adrian has incorporated his professional experience alongside his passion for music to build an audience and serve the audience well with products which make them sparkle.

Find and grow your audience by sharing your solution

Adrian was intimately familiar with his musical audience's pain issues with promotion and marketing, and his advertising background gave him the ability to help. All he needed was to find his viewers.

"We underestimate the power that social media has," Adrian says. "We believe that since there are millions of people using social media platforms that they'll notice us, but when I began the show the audience contacted me and expressed their gratitude to me for what I did. They informed me that they were happy and encouraged me to go on with it."

Based on the requests of his audience, Adrian expanded his online web presence using YouTube  which he suggests:

"Research prior to recording."
"Research every title, thumbnail and topics that are popular that you can find in your area of expertise. Do not directly copy, instead take what's working to gain ideas and then duplicate it in your company. If you produce great videos and answer to viewers through the video, they're likely to appreciate that."

Presently, YouTube is Adrian's most successful channel. "The majority of those who purchase my courses connect to me via my videos or through YouTube. I believe YouTube is the primary channel for creators to concentrate at the moment.

Step into your customer's shoes and create products that are relevant to the needs of your customers.

In order to create great products that your clients will love, you must be aware of the needs of your customers. Adrian utilizes customer feedback, knowledge gained from professional experience, and experiences working in the music industry to instruct his students and provide practical suggestions.

Initially, Adrian planned to produce evergreen classes using pre-recorded material and require less administrative effort than live programs. The viewers of Adrian's were inclined to live-based courses that had a an exact start and finish date -- and a greater time commitment from Adrian So he found another option.

The most well-known and popular program in music marketing has pre-recorded lessons that allow students to learn at their own pace. It also offers regular live calls with students to get support when they need help. The students have access to Adrian in addition to the convenience of self-paced course.

Adrian has also utilized feedback from the audience to develop mini-courses that can be more manageable for musicians who have a busy schedule.

"At the beginning, I had designed longer-term programs that require a lot of time to design and then complete. But I realized that some most those, specifically musicians, will seek out quick results. This is why I'm now focusing on small-courses with a focus," he shares.

These mini-courses can be guided by the student and lack the live element in addition to costing much less than the more costly courses. People who work full-time can benefit from the smaller, action-oriented courses .

When deciding what subjects to include in his classes, Adrian leans into his knowledge of marketing, before pondering his own music experience. "I do ongoing study and inquire with my fans what they would like to know. But, I've noticed that most of the times individuals don't have the information they need to know," Adrian observes.

Since Adrian's previous self was the ideal customer for him, best ideas can be found in the past.

"I consider the items that Adrian in the past ten years may have had to have and I plan my classes around it."

To illustrate to illustrate, in the time Adrian and his band recorded their first single , the band recorded it on CDs, and later went to the best Radio station in Caracas.

"We thought we could hand the disc to the receptionist, and they'd find our story and place us on the radio the next day," he says. "I applaud us for being brave enough to act, but the world of music (and the actual world) does not work in a way in this manner."

The things that he would like had known about the world of music assists Adrian provide relevant and easy resources to students.

"I would like to find a manual which could have given me advice on how I could market my music at that time. This could have allowed me to enhance my talent, creativity, and efforts. That's the reason I'm so dedicated to supporting artists who are independent today, so they can increase their creativity and songs."

Testimonials from Despegue Musical (via Google Translate, from Spanish to English)

The result? His students have taken their careers as musicians to the next level.

Select tools that place creators on the front page.

An incredibly well-tuned plan of course, Adrian needed to find a platform for managing his work.

Sometimes, it's easier when you create your company's online presence. "With the aid of websites looks stunning, whether it's the device is mobile or desktop. There won't be any crashes. All buttons work."

"I think I'm an accomplice. I feel like it's an essential part of my team. I'm unable to prove that with another software."
"Although this may sound like a cliché, it is important to know the values, objectives and the mission of the organization? What are their plans for the coming years? Do they really want to see expansion? Perhaps they've created something or an idea they're trying to market, but have no intention of developing it?"

Adrian provides classes, including small-sized workshops, as well as bundles of goods by . Adrian oversees an online community in that allows musicians to communicate, share their songs, and ask questions.

Thanks to the best technology available to Adrian, Adrian can more easily develop programs, workshops and courses as well as content designed for budding musicians. Through listening to the feedback of his students and basing his expertise on his experiences Adrian's classes are at the top of charts.

Three crucial elements that will help you succeed as a creator . Three factors that make a creator successful are: research, niche, and ongoing

According to Adrian There are three main elements that define an expert creator: being committed to the subject you are working in, doing study, and creating using discipline and consistency.

Pick a niche you'll find interesting in the long run

It is tempting to follow the trend, Adrian encourages creators to discover niches that delight and inspire the creators. It is a process of self-reflection.

"First find yourself. What is it that you enjoy to do? What motivates you to wake up each day?" Adrian inquires. "For me, the answer was music. In most cases, it's something that's been present in your life for an extended amount of time."

Make a list of all your hobbies, interests as well as the projects that you are passionate about. The topic you pick ought to be a topic you won't mind having conversations about daily for decades to be.

Explore existing resources to do market research

There's no need to invent the wheel again; you'll get valuable information when you study what is working with other artists in your field.

Discipline and consistency

In the end, Adrian suggests working toward the goals you set every each day, no matter if you're only doing something small. It adds up over time.

You might not get outcomes overnight, however in three years it will take you a long way away from the point you started. .

Adrian's hitting the right notes

Armed with his business skill set, an unwavering love for music, as well as a thorough knowledge of market research Adrian helps musicians succeed in the marketplace. Students of Despegue Musical are flourishing, as Adrian. Adrian.

As Adrian states, "If you do what you love, it's not really a career anymore."

Have an idea for an online company of your own? Create your free account and let your ideas shine now.

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