What could I do to remedy the Elementor Not loading error?

Jul 14, 2022
A person with his head down because elementor is not loading

It's good to know that there are many ways to resolve this issue. If you know what is causing this error then you'll be able solve the issue in no time.

In this article, we'll look at what causes this Elementor problem of not loading as well as look at the prerequisites for the plugin. Then, we'll go through several options to resolve this issue. Let's get going!

Why Is Elementor Not Loading?

Before we get into the details of the factors that can create issues for Elementor, it's important to define what "not loading" error means. This issue is caused when the user opens Elementor. Elementor editor.

The editor will take a few seconds to load

Screenshot of the Elementor page builder loading
Elementor page builder loading

In general, Elementor may not function due to your server not in compliance with the plugin's specifications. There's a chance that you're having a problem with a plugin which is making it difficult to use Elementor. In the sections to follow we'll review Elementor's requirements , and then show how to fix loading issues.

What Are the Elementor Requirements?

Every plugin has specific requirements for its system. Some plugin makers don't reveal the information due to the assumption that all servers is able to meet their minimal specifications. In most cases it is the case.

  • WordPress 5.2 or older version
  • PHP 7 or a newer version
  • MySQL 5.6 or most up-to-date version
  • It is recommended to set an WordPress memory limitation of at least 128 Mb

In most cases, it's possible to install a plug-in even if your server doesn't meet the requirements. But, this could cause the plugin to stop working properly, or for Elementor, it may fail to begin the editor at all.

How To Fix Elementor Not Loading (5 Methods)

If Elementor becomes stuck on this loading page The first action you'll have to do is to restart the loading page. Try accessing the Elementor editor yet again to check whether the issue persists. If not, it's the right an ideal time to troubleshoot the issue.

1. Update Elementor

There's a possibility that Elementor fails to start because you're running an old Version of Elementor. Some older plugins could cause issues in conjunction with other programs or current Versions of WordPress.

To check if your Elementor is up-to-date, go to the tab for Plugins, then install pluginsand look for the builders. If you're running an upgrade licence, then there will be Elementor as well as Elementorand Elementor Proin the listing of the plugins.

Make sure Elementor plugins are updated
Update Elementor

If you get a message about a newer version of Elementor It is necessary to install the required updates. Reconnect to the editor again.

2. Verify for plugin conflicts (and check your Elementor Add-Ons)

It's not unusual that plugins cause conflict with one another. This often happens in the case of multiple plugins that have similar functionality, or code that is conflicting.

For the first step start, click on the menu of Plugins > Installed plugins. You'll need to browse through the list plugins currently active to disable them , one by one. one. After you've disabled all plugin, test reloading Elementor. Elementor editor to check whether it is working properly.

It is also important to keep track of Elementor add-on plugins. These add-on plugins enhance the functions of the page creator as well as the widget library.

Pay attention to Elementor add ons
Pay attention to Elementor additions

If deactivating a specific plugin or an add-on does not affect the way you launch Elementor or feel any different when you launch Elementor editor, then you may restart the plugin. This is a way to check plugins one at one to see if one causes problems with compatibility.

A different option is to shut off all plugins at once (except Elementor) and then check to see if editors function. This is not recommended in the event that you're operating the site as a staging zone. Most WordPress sites depend on plugins for essential functions deactivating them all at once can impact the users' experience.

3. Make sure you are using the PHP version of your website.

Go to Tools > Site Healthand select the Infotab. You'll see some details about the technical aspects of your website. If you open the Server tab, and select the Server tab You'll be able to determine the PHP version your server uses:

Check your PHP version
Verify whether you're using PHP with the correct version. PHP version that you have selected is the correct one.

If you're using the.NET Framework My dashboard allows you to select the version of PHP to use for each of your sites. Start the dashboard and go to Websites, then select the website that you want to upgrade.

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Then, open Then then, navigate to the Toolstab then scroll down until you can see the PHP Engineoption. You can use this alterdropdown menu to choose what version PHP you want to utilize on the site. TuTvOnSGIFlggsfGUACq Updating PHP using My platform. My platform

You can select from the most current PHP versions. PHP. These platforms offer greater capabilities and performance across all areas.

If the host you are using does not allow you to change PHP versions at once, it's recommended to contact the help desk. They will be able to help you update it in the event that you require. If your hosting provider does not support the latest version of PHP There's a good chance that it's time to migrate to a different service.

4. Examine the memory of your site's Limit

The web's PHP memory limit specifies just how much RAM your WordPress installation can use. Low memory limits will prevent the majority of plugins from functioning correctly.

We've mentioned before that Elementor is a software that has a minimum requirement for memory that is 128 MB. If you're not sure of your site's memory limit is, you can check the limit by going to the Tools menu, followed by Site Healthand selecting the informationtab. Then, access servertab servertab to look over the limit of memory for PHPentry:

Checking the PHP memory limit
Check to increase your PHP memory limit

Many modern web hosts give 128-256 MB as their PHP memory base limit. If you're managing your WordPress hosting, then the limit is likely to be the 256-MB limit.

Begin by connecting to your site via FTP or SFTP and locating the WordPress basefolder. It is often called the www., or public,or the public_html.

After you have found the folder, open it and look for wp-config.phpfile:

Look inside the wp-config file
Look for the file wpconfig.

The wp-config.phpfile with a text editor. Take a look at the part that says:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

Based upon the server's maximum memory, that is likely to be less. If you're not able to find the line, you could manually add it. But, ensure that you do not alter any other entries in the wp-config.phpfile. It is also recommended to include the code after the section that reads:

     That's all there is to say, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

You technically can utilize the memory limit as low as one GB, but you could also consider setting higher limits. In our experience, 256 MB is the sweet spot for PHP memory.

After you've finished, save your changes and then close the file. After that, visit the Site Healthpage again to verify whether WordPress accepts the updated PHP memory limitations.

Sometimes, your web hosting company may refuse to allow you to change the PHP memory limit on your own. Contact the support department of the customer for information on whether they are able to do this for you.

5. Switch Method of Elementor's Loader. Switch Method is part of the Elementor Loader Method

Elementor has a built-in function which allows you to alter the method by which it load the editors. The change in Elementor loading settings won't hurt users in any way , however we suggest it as an option last resort if there's no other option that is available.

To change the loading method of Elementor, you must go to Elementor > Options > Advanced. Look for Edit Editor Loader Methodsetting and click to enable:

Changing elementor loading methods
Change Elementor loading methods

Be sure to save any modifications , and then load the editor once more. The Elementor not loading error is now fixed.

Alternative Elementor Troubleshooting Techniques

If you encounter any technical issues while using Elementor and aren't sure how to proceed you can try a couple of alternative troubleshooting strategies you can use. Let's look at them.

Switch Themes

Turn off browser add-ons

Sometimes, browser add-ons could cause issues on a per-page basis. You could, for example, install an add-on for blocking scripts or an extension that adds specific code to certain websites.

Certain add-ons could create problems while trying to use Elementor. A simple way to determine whether that's an issue is to try using Elementor with a clean version of your browser.

If errors do not appear, you'll need to determine which browser extension caused the problem. You can do this by disabling the extensions in a series until you can identify the cause.


What can you do to correct the Elementor issue of not loading by following the steps:

  1. Update Elementor.
  2. Check for plugins that conflict (and examine Elementor extensions).
  3. Check your site's PHP version to see if it is compatible with your site.
  4. Be sure to know the limit on memory for your website.
  5. Use the loader method Switch Elementor's.

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