What is email segmentation? (plus 5 ways to make it work) |

Sep 12, 2022

What exactly is email segmentation? Segmenting your email lists will help you boost the open rate, keep customers active, and increase the number of inboxes. Let's see how to do it.

What gives?

If you're sending each email to all your subscribers, that's a likely culprit. Your audience is made up of individualsand expect you -- and every business they interact with -- to treat them like that.

The good news is: You don't need to write a painstakingly personalized email to each customer.

Instead, use email segmentation. When you segment your emails, you can give your contacts the relevant content they crave, which means more engagement with your emails, less unsubscribes, and happy customers.

First, let's be sure that we're on the same page about what email segmentation is.

What exactly is email segmentation?

Segmentation involves splitting your subscribers' email addresses into smaller lists -and a.k.a. segments -- according to a set of criteria.

Instead of sending the same message to everyone on their list marketers can instead send specific email messages to the subscribers in accordance with the demographics of a particular segment, their interests, purchase history, and much more.

Why is email segmentation essential to an email marketing plan? Keep reading to find out.

The reason why you should use segments of your email lists?

Marketing via email is among the most cost-effective and efficient marketing methods:

59 percent of marketers use email as the top source of revenue.

Email generates 174 per cent more conversions over social media.

Email marketing has an ROI of about $40 per dollar spent .

...but only if you do it right.

Now more than ever, consumers expect a personalized experience every time they contact an organization, and email isn't an exception.

74% of marketers believe that personalization improves engagement.

72% of consumers only engage with marketing messages that cater to their needs.

Relevant emails generate 18x more revenue than generalized broadcast emails.

A majority of people are highly annoyed by brands that send generic messages.

51% of email marketers claim that email list segmentation is the most efficient personalization tactic.

This is where segmentation is crucial.

Segmentation lets you send different emails to different customers based on their preferences and past behaviors, as well as where they are at in the sales process, and so much more.

In other words, you wouldn't want to send a welcome email to a long-time loyal client, or to announce an event in your area to someone from across the globe.

More than just annoying that one subscriber, you can even harm the quality of your emails.

Deliverability refers to how many of your messages make it into subscribers' inboxes .

Email service companies (ESPs) and inbox service providers (ISPs) seek to be sure that spam email doesn't end up in the inboxes of users, therefore they keep track of a variety of email engagement metrics about every sender. This includes:

It's Open



Domain reputation


Spam reports

Simply put In a nutshell: If your readers open and click through the hyperlinks in your emails, it's good for the quality of your delivery. If they unsubscribe from your email and don't read them, or mark them as spam, it can hurt your deliverability.

If you're plagued by too many spam complaints, ISPs can end up blocking your emails entirely.

"Think about email engagement as a trust-meter. If your emails are characterized by an overwhelmingly positive response the mailbox provider will view you as a credible sender and will reward you with better delivery rates," explains email compliance analyst Robert Colomberti. .

What is this all got to do with to do with the concept of segmentation?

If you separate your email list it is possible to send out emails tailored to your subscribers' preferences. If you're able to send pertinent specific emails, you'll be able to avoid the number one reason people report emails as spam.

In terms of the ability to deliver, it's about quality, not quantity. Segmentation lets you focus more on engaged subscribers and less on inactive users that aren't likely to turn into customers.

"Sending to active contacts means more positive email engagement, and more positive email engagement will result in better deliverability," Robert shares.

Okay, now knowing the reasonsemail segmentation is a must-have now let's get into how.

How to segment your email list (5 expert email segmentation strategies)

The more data you collect regarding your contacts, the simpler it is to break down your list of email addresses.

That doesn't mean you should create endless email segments just for the sake of it.

Yes, it's possible to go a little overboard and add a segment for each demographic, geographic or psychographic criteria out there .

However, the greater the number of segments you can create that you create, the more effort you'll be able to handle in particular if you plan to create different promotions to all groups of subscribers.

Instead, concentrate on what makes each segment unique:

What influences their buying decisions?

What is it that makes them stand out against their competitors?

What hurdles do they have to run in the course of achieving their goal?

What are they most keen to learn about?

In the event that you have questions In this article, we'll provide five ways to divide your email list beyond the region.

1. Provide lead magnets for them to find out their interests and needs

Once you have created several lead magnets, you can begin sorting your subscribers according to which lead magnets they have downloaded.

Take Ryan of Signature Edits , for example. Signature Edits provides presets, templates, and training for their target photography enthusiasts.

Ryan is aware that photographers have various issues, which is why Ryan has two lead magnets: a sample of his candid posing guide as well as an free set of photo editing presets .

When someone downloads one of the lead magnets, Ryan will send them follow-up email to inform them about the ways his brand and products will help them achieve their goals.

If, for instance, someone opts to sign up for one of the photo editing presets, Ryan knows that editing can be a source of fascination (or even a pain point -the person. Armed with this information, Ryan can confidently promote the editing tools to that lead.

Ryan is hosting his lead magnets via  his website, making it very easy to create segments based on lead magnet downloads.

This is how it works:

On your dashboard, head to your dashboard and click on the Email tab. Click "Create" and select "New Broadcast".

Give your email a subject line. Next, select which recipients will receive your email.

When you host an online product or membership -- either to be sold or offered for free -- you can choose the people who have bought the item or downloaded it as your recipients.

All customers who (1) have signed up to your mailing list, as well as (2) have downloaded or purchased that product will be notified via email. It's that simple.

Check it out by yourself using a trial account.

If you're lacking the time to make several lead magnets, don't fret. There are plenty of ways to segment your list -- including our next tip.

2. Personalize messaging according to their understanding levels

Another way to segment your mailing list is to look at where subscribers fall in the sales or marketing funnel.

Your marketing funnel depicts a prospective customer's experience from the moment they first interact with your company to the moment they purchase.

The place a lead falls within the funnel is based on their level of familiarity with your brand or product and how close they are to making a decision.

Different marketers divide their marketing funnels in different levels, such as the five stages of awareness :

Really unaware:They don't know they have a problem.

Trouble-awareThey are aware that they've a problem, but don't have the knowledge to solve it.

Solution-aware:They know there are solutions, but they don't know the solutions to your problem.

product-awareThey are aware of your product, but aren't sure if it's the solution for them.

The most well-known:They know about your product, and they are thinking of buying it, but they need more info.

If you can determine the awareness level of a subscriber, you can mail them customized emails based on that information. (Personalized emails deliver the conversion rate 6 times higher than those sent without personalization, so it's definitely worth the effort.)

A solution-oriented leader knows there is a solution to their problems, but they still need to learn about your product. Make use of your email content to boost confidence in your abilities to assist to achieve their goalssuch as the following email template

"Hi" [first nameHello [first name,

Have you ever struggled with your problem?

In a way that makes you feel emotions.

If so, you're not alone.

This is the solution:

      [Step 1]      

      [Step 2]      

      [Step 3]      

Sure, there's a little more however, it's there's not all that much.

This is it.

Hallelujah for simple procedures.

If you're interested in learning more, just head over to our link resources page.

      [signature]                                              Copy and paste to clipboard

What happens after a client reaches the bottom of the funnel before becoming a client? This is the best way to proceed.

3. Consider their purchase history

The upselling process encourages consumers to purchase an upgraded version of your product, while cross-selling recommends a solution or product that matches the one they have already bought.

One creator who makes the most of the upsell opportunity includes Reuven Lerner .

Reuven is a software engineer who transformed his training company that was based in the offline world into online courses for every stage, such as an "Intro Python" course for beginners.

"If you offer a variety of courses -- including intro, intermediate, advanced -- then you have the chance to sell an additional course as if your customers really love your intro course They will beg for an advanced course... They'll tell you"You know what? I'm definitely going to get every single one of them.'"

Reuven is able to target satisfied customers who've already completed the course in its intro and suggest to them sign up for a more advanced course. An astounding 75% of customers are more likely to purchase if they're provided with specific product suggestions.

Building that type of customer loyalty is an excellent business:

52% of buyers will go out of their way to buy from the brands they trust.

Return customers have nine times more likely to be converted as compared to a first-time buyer.

It can cost as much as seven times greater to attract an additional customer than it does to keep an existing one.

Like lead magnets, it is easy for creators like Reuven to separate customers according to their purchase. If you want to send an email broadcast you can simply choose the name of the product under "Recipients".

Like before, all buyers who (1) have subscribed to your mailing list, and (2) have purchased that product will receive an email.

In a nutshell When you know the products your customers have bought (and liked), you can send them emails with personalized recommendations and turn them into regular customers.

4. Use interactive media

Interactive content refers to all kinds of content that needs active participation from the user. This is fast becoming one the most successful and popular types of marketing through content: 88% of marketers claim that engaging content aids them in distinguishing their business from others.

In addition, interactive content generates nearly twice the engagement rate of static content.

The creator Minessa Konecky of Direct to Success utilizes interactive questions to draw in and meet new leads.

Minessa has created an online lead generation test " What's Your Business Blocker? ", using Interact Quiz Maker. Interactive Quiz Maker .

When someone has completed her test, Minessa segments them into three categories:

Unsuspecting:Small business owners who are overwhelmed by the tasks to handle and aren't certain how they can manage their time.

Professional midlifeEntrepreneurs that have learned the information they need to know, but haven't figured out how to connect all the actions into an action plan.

Perpetual Procrastinators:People who know what they need to do, but can't get started by themselves.

Based on the category each lead falls into, Minessa moves them through the funnel through sharing one of three free short courses that target their individual issues.

Once her leads near the bottom of the funnel Minessa introduces them to her products and encourages them to make an order or sign up for her membership, The Squad Academy .

In bringing in leads through interactive content, Minessa creates a personalized experience from the first mailers receive to the entire customer journey.

Before we wrap up this segment, I've got one last segmentation method to show readers -- and it's all because of my mom.

5. Find out what they are looking for.

One of the best tips I've received is "it always helps to ask." (Thanks, Mom!)

This is a great way to live your life- and it applies to understanding what your target audience is looking for as well. Segmentation surveys can help you learn exactly the kind of content that your subscribers want to receive.

"Even asking a single question can help gauge an curiosity, desire, or need of your subscriber," explains digital marketing pro Erik Harbison . "This is a great way to determine a better approach for your content, sending cadence, and expectations."

The welcome emails you send out are the perfect opportunity to ask your new customers what information they'd like to get. They're after all the best of the bunch in email marketing:

The welcome emails of your company can be sent out with up to a 91.43 percentage of open rates .

The most active leads will be active within the first 48 hours after signing up.

Emails for welcome messages have an average of 4x the open rate and 5x the click-through rate (CTR) of a standard campaign.

Use this welcome email sent by Sleeknote , for example .

The Sleeknote blog focuses on e-commerce marketing, but their audience is comprised of a range of marketers and business owners. In asking new subscribers to provide their personal information as a subscriber, they Sleeknote marketing team can break them into four segments:


SaaS startups


Online marketing newbies

Then, users get content that is tailored to their role and preferences, allowing them to make the most of your Sleeknote subscription.

If you're concerned about offending your customers by asking for their feedback, keep in the mind it's true that 90percent of customers have a more favorable view of businesses that give customers the chance to give customers with feedback.

The most important thing to remember is: When in doubt, ask your subscribers what they want. They're likely to be happy to provide you with their feedback.

Take your email marketing up a notch with segmentation

In the end it is clear that segmenting your email list is an excellent method of sending the correct message to the right users at the correct moment.

If you can segment your list of email addresses, you can create a personalized experience that turns leads into clients and keeps returning for more.

In case you're wondering, here's five expert ways you can segment your subscribers:

Make lead magnets that satisfy different needs, then segment in accordance with which ones the users decide to download.

Tailor your messaging to where an individual lead can be found on the sales funnel. Make use of 5 stages of awarenessalong with our helpful templates -- to send emails that resonate with your audience.

Use your customers' purchase history to provide personalized product recommendations.

Make interactive content, such as the quiz, which helps you learn more about your customers and leads.

You can ask your readers what kind of content they would like to get. A short survey can be a great help.

It could require some trials and errors until you master you are comfortable begin to look forward to watching your sales, customer engagement and brand loyalty increase.