What is the best way to sell Access To A Post On My WordPress Site?

Sep 24, 2022

How do I sell access To a Blog Post I've Posted on my WordPress Website?

For entrepreneurs, like yourself You may be thinking the next steps to take in your online venture. Are you contemplating how to market access to a post?

If you're currently using WordPress you probably have a lot of pages and posts that have been created.

                        Here's a suggestion... Sell a Few!                      

There are many advantages, not just from writing posts and pages for your WordPress site, but selling access to these posts and pages individually.

What is the best way to sell access to a post on your WordPress website? You could offer access to a page or a post through a plugin for memberships like Member.

Find a Membership Plugin that supports selling individual posts

Member gives you the possibility to not only make and sell memberships but to also sell the access you have to your webpages as well as your content individually.

It is possible to sell access to your posts or just those particular posts. This feature is known as "Pay Per Post." ".

An Pay per Post isn't just for bloggers to be paid per post nor is it just for writers or freelancers anymore!

You can create your OWN PayPerPost on your site and then sell it.

It is possible to reap the advantages of all the hard work you put into each page or post, without the need to purchase another plugin or software.

           Utilize Member to sell the right to access individual WordPress Posts and Pages          

                        I'm not sure of how to add an option to pay for your site or article?                      

Member is actually integrated with many of the most popular payment processors , which makes it really easy to add a payment to a post or web page. The ability to offer access to a specific post type.

Connect a payment provider in the Member

You'll need to integrate or connect with one of the providers we collaborate with.

Every page or post which is designated as a pay Per Post will have a SKU. It is their unique product number.

Create Your SKU on the Member

The SKU is used to integrate it into the payment. The payment needs to be setup prior to connecting to the other.

This can be done within the page or post itself down in the Member protection settings , as illustrated in the picture below.


Protect Your Post by registering as a the Member

There are many ways to safeguard the paid-for content.

                        You may also want to think about making fun of your viewers...                      

The rest will be hidden... up until the time they pay for access.

The Teasing content in another article.

Use Cases for Members' Pay-Per-Post Feature

The possibilities are almost endless in terms of what you can utilize the pay-per-post feature to.

Here are just some examples of ways you could utilize a blog or page to add extra content and revenue to your company.

           News Sites          

  • Include pertinent information regarding your local businesses
  • Provide the audience around you with recent information on current events

           Magazine Sites          

  • Short Stories per Chapter
  • You can even include an audio or video with you telling the story
  • Include a slide photo-based presentation that allows them to imagine the story being presented

           Offer Individual Recipes for Sale          

  • The Recipe of Your World Famous Pie
  • Daily recipes
  • The planning of seasonal meals

           Offer Access to Templates Individually or Downloads          

  • Make the Mini or Micro Training
  • Makeup Tutorial with images or a video
  • eBook template
  • Mapped download for business

Every niche, solely online or locally-based, can and should have information that users can have access to. It can be for free or paid-for content.

How Do I Get Started by registering as a Member

There has never been a simpler time than now to launch your own business online. If you're selling per piece of content, your business is opening many doors for you and your company.

With our frequently revised documentation, a the wizard to get started, and our an experienced support team, you'll be able to get your membership website up and running within a matter of minutes.

The majority of membership plugins are EASY or POWERFUL. It's not either!

Member actually is both. We're one of the easiest to install plugins as well as having tools to give you the power when you need it.

It is the result of fourteen years of using customer driven feedback into the product.

           Simple + Strong          

Keep in mind... It's time to put FUN back into Business.

~ Bobbi Raffin

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"We've tried a couple of different membership tools which included in packages we'd invested in. However, none of them can compete with the Member. I know that there's lots of awesome things that users have built over time. However, when it comes to customizing, if you make use of WordPress, you can't touch this. Obviously, I'm super bias, but we've earned millions through this product."

Tristan Truscott                              Satori Method                                                                                                                                                                                              I've added Member] into my top list of choices for anyone. The new Member has a lot to offer! And the price for Member makes it a fantastic offer.

Chris Lema                              LiquidWeb                                                                                                                                                                                              Member is integrated with tools I use TODAY. It's so easy to integrate with tools that are coming out. It's amazing how they manage it actually. If I was going to be buying a membership plugin, now... I would go with Member. I'd choose Membership.

Adam Preiser                              WPCrafter