What is the definition of E-Learning?

Oct 14, 2023

There's lots of talk about people taking online courses. You've probably attended an online class or two on your own before! Digital tools and software are only going to increase in importance. Technologies can help to speed up as well as improve the educational goals.

Not all devices and software are made equally. In this post we'll discuss what the concept of what "e-learning" is actually about, and then explore some common ways for implementing it in school classrooms as well as corporate training programs!

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What exactly is "e-learning?

eLearning is defined through a range of phrases, such as digital learning as well in remote-learning. All of them are alike, which means that learners receive a portion of their education through the internet or any other digital medium. But, there are a few variations in the core ideas of eLearning:

E-Learning is a term used in the field of education. The term HTML0 defines "e-Learning"
Online Learning HTML0The process by which the student is capable of gaining access to information about their education via the use of digital or digital channels regardless of distance between the institution and the student.
Learning through electronic means It is the same concept that's used in the concept of eLearning. It was however the first concept that was utilized before the point at which eLearning was beginning to gain its popularity.
Online learning HTML1Instruction offered to students mostly through the internet.
Remote education The knowledge that is imparted to students from a different location, which may leverage using technology whether physical or digital, for aiding the learning process. It is often referred to as distance learning.

The benefits of e-learning

  • Accessibility: Anyone with an Internet connection has the ability to browse and read the data provided by these tools. Additionally, they provide a selection of formats to let you interpret the latest sources of information.
  • The factor of cost-efficiency can be an important factor to consider when deciding what the cost of setting the E-Learning system or several can be significantly less than the cost of the hiring of additional employees. This is particularly true as E-learning tools are able to simplify repetitive administrative and time-consuming task.
  • It is possible to track performances that are required for submitting compliance reports and student performance reports. Reports are quick to create that are automatically generated by the application and, because they're readily available online, they're easily shareable to colleagues or educational facilitators as well.

Additional important eLearning terms to learn

In order to help you comprehend the vast topic of online learning, take a look at this chart that provides terms that are used in other discussions!

Word The definition of HTML0
Instructor-led An approach to teaching where there's at least one instructor (the instructor) who is the instructor in the class. The instructor may be present with the class or communicating with students via online.
Self-sufficient The method of teaching involves students who are required to track their own development. The content of the course is presented as a set of guidelines that the students have to follow in order to make use of the resources available and complete assignments without instruction of an instructor.
Synchronous learning Students learn in while instructors instruct. This is the kind of learning that happens during class.
Asynchronous method of learning The students learn about the subject in a different manner in contrast to the way that the teacher teaches the material. This sort of learning takes place in the course of the students that have to go through the material prior to class, for example.

Recent growth in electronic learning

Though it's certainly been in existence for some time but it hasn't always been as so popular today as it is. Before the introduction of eLearning in the past, it was normal to see remote learning techniques, especially in rural areas. Communities that were not able to offer a wider range of educational courses or provide aid for those who are disabled could turn to online education to fulfill those needs. In 2012 however, 21.4% of higher education students had already enrolled for the least online course.

The year 2020 saw the highest number of students taking classes online because of the epidemic of flu that made it necessary for students to enroll in online courses instead of attending traditional classroom instruction in person. Tools like Zoom allow learners and educators connect via the internet, and 60% of college students regularly attended online classes. The market for investing in new tools then increased 6X when comparing 2017 to 2021 and is already projected to reach US$166.60bn by 2023.

Fundamental eLearning principles

There are key principles on which the majority of learning programs and teaching are based on. They are vital as they form the foundation for creating an excellent program or device that will enable eLearning to be practical and easily accessible.


In classrooms that are physically based, students can receive answers to their questions or practical experiences through various labs or experiments, and get immediate feedback from their classmates or instructors. The most effective eLearning software can provide a certain amount of interactivity for the student. If there's no interaction the students may become disengaged, get bored of the subject of the course or struggle to grasp the fundamental ideas.



To keep the students engaged over the long run is an issue teachers must address. In order to overcome this issue, a study actually proved that students would like teachers to utilize a variety different teaching techniques to maintain their attention during classes. The use of e-learning tools can assist to increase engagement by identifying innovative ways to engage students and increase retention of lessons and encourage the imagination of students by providing the improvement of how students perform in the classroom.


The students should be able to comprehend and understand the material in a course so they are competent to comprehend and learn. The software used in online learning must be flexible enough to meet the diverse demands of learners. There is also a lot of accessibility rules that apply to online learning platforms which are beneficial for teachers and students to be aware of.

Most commonly used types of software are those used to support eLearning

eLearning is a vast term that covers all sorts of digital tools and gadgets which help students study efficiently. There's a wide variety of devices, but we're covering the following categories that you should be aware of:

Systems for learning management (LMS)

     Examples of LMS tools:    

Virtual engagement tools

The tools for engagement in virtual worlds are fantastic for helping students interact with each other and their knowledge material. There are a variety of ways to achieve this. Some of them include facilitating the group, posing questions during class, taking surveys to collect information, encouraging collaboration through visuals, or making your students feel like they have done a great job on their homework.

     Some examples of software for virtual engagement:    

Student progress tracking software

Although certain LMS platforms permit you to keep track of the progress of your students however, there is the option of tracking it on your own if you aren't planning to utilize an eLearning application for the entirety of your course. Being able to monitor the progress of your students and their academic progress digitally allows you to easily communicate performance data to parents and supervisors.

Progression tracking sample software to use to track progress in eLearning:

Three common issues and potential ways to use digital tools that could be utilized to enhance

HTML1 Challenge 1: Accessing online learning in regions with low or inaccessible Internet connectivity

Digital gap is a concern which is common when integrating eLearning instruments in vast. It is most prevalent in rural and underdeveloped regions not having access to Internet that makes it difficult for students in the areas that don't have access to the internet to take part in classes online.

Solutions: Teachers who teach in these areas can employ an amalgamation of traditional and eLearning techniques. Methods that are traditional. The techniques used for eLearning must less depend on Internet connections, and must be focused on the core eLearning principal of learner-centricity in addition to increasing accessibility or the participation of students.

A good example of an eLearning solution for those that have restricted Internet access is the electronic reader. They will let students browse many ebooks with the same device, track how they read, change the screen for ease of use, as well as view words that are difficult to understand in the dictionary built into the device.

2. Introduce students to the e-learning tools

It's not easy to master the art of reading and writing, writing documents or even communicate via the internet. It is even more difficult working with team people who are less experienced or aren't equipped with the technical expertise.

Solution: Check if your online learning software vendor has any materials for learning that are available to your class. You should try to make these resources available in a way which is simple for your students to understand, such as printing hard copies of instructions.

Also, make sure you've created a clear and easy to follow instruction plan that your students can follow in order to be proficient at using educational tools. It's crucial to communicate the advantages eLearning tools offer your pupils to ensure they understand how beneficial it is to adopt new technologies. This way, you can be sure you're at hand and prepared to respond to any queries students may ask about the course that you decide to use and also be patient as the tools take some time to get acquainted with the latest technologies.

Challenge 3. Integration of E-Learning into your technology stack

The most important aspect that's often ignored of using eLearning software is the requirement for interfacing with various tools or devices utilized.

Solution: Talk to the company you're buying from in order to confirm the compatibility of the tech before you sign the transaction. You can look this up on the website of the vendor or by contact with a sales representative.

If you're an expert in technology capable of writing customized software that is compatible with your platform, you may be able create your custom integration. In addition, you can ask your vendor about APIs or open-source components for the platform, which can allow users to get their stack of technology in sync.

What can I do to use the internet in my school?

eLearning is most well-known as a tool used in school system. There are unique applications especially intended for high school and students at universities. It is also possible to make use of more or less online educational tools, depending upon the kind of education as well as the amount of participation that the content requires.

Contacting parents and guardians

In elementary schools, parents and guardians are required to play an important role to play in educating their children. The E-Learning program can produce and distribute reports in a way that allows teachers to create those messages themselves. Some tools are equipped to take the comments of parents and other information to assist in the development of your child.

If academic advisors and schools must review the progress of students over period of time, they can use electronic learning programs to create the historical report. The reports will contain what subjects students studied along with their results and any issues or problems they have shown. It's more reliable opposed to relying on memory or notes made by hand and may not offer sufficient context for the specific situation.

Aiding in making assignments simpler

Everywhere in the educational system. teachers must ensure that the material they offer can be accessed by students of all abilities. There are many eLearning platforms provide customization options that let students turn down the volume of audio, go over material several times alter the dimensions, colors as well as conduct text-to-speech. Specific tools may also be capable of automatically translating to, delineate and spell out the contents that can help students who do not have the ability to connect immediately with an instructor in order to offer this type of assistance.

If you're a schoolteacher, and you're responsible for the development of at least twenty students at a time. For professors at universities are often required to teach classes that can vary from 100-300 students at once! It is difficult to evaluate the performance of every student, and also be aware of the specific individual needs for each student. As a result, you may not be able to know all the specifics of how the class actually goes throughout the course.

If you examine the total reports of classes by your eLearning program Look for trends and the oddities. These patterns will help you in determining which subjects students master the fastest or slowly and also provide you with information on which topics can be challenging or interesting. Outliers help you find students that are able to grasp or struggle to comprehend course concepts. There is a possibility to work with the top academic students in mentoring students in need of extra support!

In addition, we can offer additional assistance to students

Based on the information you gather through online learning tools, from the viewpoint of a teacher you'll identify those students that require additional assistance. Then, you can pair those students with teachers or employ additional tools to support them directly from the software. It's a fantastic way to ensure that your students get the assistance they need, but without to be viewed as having the attention of peers. This can be extremely beneficial in distance learning courses in cases where you aren't able to provide the assistance to your students on-campus.

Use eLearning to enhance corporate training

Training costs are decreased for training programs.

Training programs for compliance or onboarding have traditionally been run by instructors. Costs of hiring instructors to instruct your employees is also inclusive of expenses for travel hotel, accommodation as well as the cost of hiring the instructor, in addition. If you're in training to prepare for certification then you may also have be aware of the costs associated with certification together with the necessary materials as well as books.

Due to the eLearning platform that are available, the expense of operating training programs is reduced significantly. If you decide to continue having instructors running the training program, it's no longer necessary to plan travel or physical classrooms. The content could instead be delivered online with the use of videoconferencing equipment. Furthermore, you could record and play back the class at the future!

The enhancement of knowledge about the product

It is the LMS tool is a popular type of eLearning technology since they permit organizations to develop knowledge bases for their products. The teams within the organization can create videos that explain the most recent products, features, and policies as well as additional training necessary. As new employees get on board, they can depend on the information center to help them gain knowledge about the product. This is the same for previous employees. It's an excellent resource for anyone needing a refresher on the product! It's simple and quick to refresh the LMS by adding new video and information every when an update or new feature launches. A central information database which provides information about products decreases the possibility of misinformation getting out to the entire business.

Making sales programs more effective

Sales agents are held to a difficult job that demands them to monitor every recently launched feature and then present it in front of clients to demonstrate that it meets the specific specifications of the buyer. In a bigger sense, it's challenging and tiring to create distinctive content for every potential customer.

Software for e-learning can be an excellent aid in making sales strategies more effective by organizing, hosting and distributing the material. Sales managers then need to select the relevant product info videos or sheets they wish to send out to any potential customer. It is then easy to monitor progress and determine how much information the potential customer has used up. Sales executives are informed whenever the lead's information is removed or incomplete and prompts the prospective customer to call them for assistance.

Programs for onboarding new employees which can be scaled

If you're part of a growing team, you're likely to find that there's not enough time to educate all new staff members who come on board. E-learning tools could provide an excellent place for the new employees to learn about the organizational policies, its products procedures goals, processes, and objectives. Human resource managers are able to access the application to keep track of the development of courses which are mandatory. Additionally, it makes sure that each new employee receives all the necessary information for their first day so that nobody is uninformed or oblivious in the early days!

Insuring that regulations are in compliance to

Compliance regulations usually include an element of training or learning. In the case of employees, they could have to complete CPR or security course at least every few years. Having training programs built and managed by an integrated eLearning platform allows team managers as well as compliance auditors to document the day on which the training took place. eLearning platforms can provide exact details of the employees who completed each part of instruction and the exact moment in the period of time. Better yet, you can be notified whenever the compliance training needs to be renewed!

Accessibility improvements at work

Like eLearning utilized in the education system, you can also utilize this technique to make it more convenient for employees to gain access to details in the workplace! For instance, employees who need more time to go the details of a document can do this via an eLearning platform, which can increase the level of participation, engagement and motivation. It will also meet the needs of the project.


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