What is the purpose of video marketing? And how do you succeed in it?

Jul 8, 2023

For a well-constructed digital-marketing plan The team, marketing as well as video professionals should bring video content in the mix. While the idea of "video marketing" could seem simple enough (essentially adding videos in your marketing strategies) but it's a challenge to figure out the best way to go about efficiently implementing this approach.

Video marketing is essential.

Due to the rise of sites such as and YouTube and other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have now added video to their platforms, and significant improvements in video streaming's quality (bye goodbye to the dreaded buffering) video has become an integral part of all phases of the marketing funnel. The most common funnel goes as follows: you introduce people to your business (awareness stage) and then educate the person about the benefits of your offer (consideration stage) to justify the benefits of the offer (decision phase) to keep clients (delight stage).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's bring life to the typical video-marketing funnel making use of the real (but actually, an imaginary) illustration. WebThyme is an (imaginary) software business which helps users create and manage websites. Jenn is among WebThyme's potential clients.

  • A promising prospect Jenn is set to start a health and wellness site. WebThyme's principal target market is entrepreneurs from small companies.
  • The correct channel: Jenn Googles advice on starting a business, and comes across WebThyme's video as part of an article published on their blog. It tells the story of an entrepreneur. Enthusiastic, she joins WebThyme's email newsletters that send Jenn weekly emails filled with useful details.
  • Correct action:Jenn clicks on a link in the newsletter which takes the reader to a website landing page with a short video that delves into the most recent WebThyme tools available to small business owners. The user taps the button that links to a trial-calling service that is free to make a move and decides to give it a go.

This is just one example of a potential video-marketing situation. What happens when you test it on a specific and actionable basis? What are the best video marketing practices for key channels like email, social media, or even your personal web site? Let's dig in...

Exploring social media

Why is social so effective in promoting expansion? If your current followers share, follow, like or post your posts, they essentially expose the contents to their friends and friends, who might choose to follow your account. One method to get more possible leads from this marketplace is to include email capture forms, available in Business applications, that permits you to collect viewer" data directly in the player embedded. Then, you can easily transfer the email addresses to the email marketing tools such as MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact.

Perhaps you'd like for your customers to be directed to a landing page for more information. It's also possible! Business allows you to add clickable CTAs that let you guide people precisely in the direction you'd like them go.

Furthermore, you could boost your reach and get many more fans through the use of paid social media. Depending on the specific web page you're using, you may be able to target specific groups, or even promote your videos through pre-rolls and sponsored content.

Let your email campaigns flourish

In the case of emails video plays a major aspect. time. They can improve click-through rates of 300-200 percent (that's so many percents or people) as well as reducing the amount of people who do not subscribe. Although, the majority of email software still cannot handle videos that are integrated directly into emailshowever. However, it's possible to get around the issue with the addition of the play button on a still image of the video and driving viewers to a landing site that includes the entire video.

It's fairly simple to do with those systems for marketing through email, which we have discussed in the past as well as marketing automation tools such as HubSpot. It is a great way to determine what thumbnails will yield the most amount of clicks. As a rule to follow, you can enhance your campaigns" performance by customizing the design and content for the webpages they direct traffic to.

Your website, packed with amazing videos

Home Page Homepage Page

Most companies create an overview video for their homepage, one that shows what the company's mission is and why your work is vital, along with the challenge that your business is solving. It's an enormous influence how you're perceived by those who are only getting to know your business's name. Take Canary, for example.

 Pages to be used for landing

Your website's homepage could serve a variety of functions to appeal to a broad target audience. Landing pages can serve as a great way to educate certain segments of your targeted audience on the great things you can offer and to encourage users to make a decision. Marketing experts drive visitors to landing pages via advertisements on the internet, as well as blogs on social media, and websites. Search engines as well as videos are a great way to turn this traffic into leads and customers. Visit our Business pages.


It's a significant way to increase the number of people who visit your website, especially when your posts include informative information including business news, information, as well as thought-leadership on subjects that are popular with people because they're probably searching for these topics on Google. It is also a great place to share product and company news, events as well as the most effective methods you've learned from your group of friends. Looking for some examples? What you're reading will be (hopefully) much more fascinating due to the numerous videos posted throughout.

HTML0 Pages with FAQ and Product pages

Then putting everything together

If your video-marketing plan is executed correctly and efficiently and efficiently, you create an ecosystem that grows the business of your business. Social media posts are drawing new fans and enthralling those who already follow you; your videos-packed blog posts are ranked high in Google results, and your email campaigns -featuring gorgeous video thumbnails - are leading users to your websites, which contain relevant videos and distinct CTAs each of which are able to be optimized in order to create leads as well as driving the conversions. It is the best thing about it that everything you do is measurable as well as trackable and able to be adapted as time passes. Within the context of...

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