Why We Created The Slack Community specifically for SaaS as well as Software Professionals -

Sep 16, 2022
  • A worldwide concentration.
  • Businesses and professionals with already established careers (less startup companies and students in the early stages).
  • Professional moderation.
  • Less attention is paid to the round of venture capital or funding.
  • A truely supportive group with absolutely no tolerance for rude and non-professional behavior.

In fact, things like worldwide business focus as well as experts moderators (that's me!) are things we want to come across in online forums.

This blog post explains what's offered for members , in particular as compared to other online groups.

However, you may still be asking yourself "But does it really matter? it?"

A valid question. I'll tackle due to the reasons (plural) that we must invest in this project might not be as easy as most inexperienced.

If you're a business owner, you probably already are aware that this is exactly how things work. Companies don't invest into programs to are a benefit to other business owners who are on the internet. They invest in it as it benefits their particular enterprise in some manner.

And yes that having a successful online community is an effective method to increase the visibility of your business , and also get some prospects in the process.

It's also not just one of the main reasons why that we're in this. It doesn't matter if you're a member or not, we want members benefit from the network. Otherwise, the network will fail.

The software we provide, along with SaaS Community must be good to you for It to Be Successful

The reason is pretty straightforward but the most important thing to remember is that if we don't consider our society to be friendly and fun, then you'll not venture out in the wild.

It's therefore crucial for its growth for us as well as our own benefit -- that we work to be a great team to be a part of.

(And If you think that you may have put us off track in that manner, or have ideas to make your experience better Please reach us. Additional details are further down in the paragraph.)

What are the benefits hosting an online community?

There's got to be something here and we would not have taken this decision but why should we?

Naturally. However, we would prefer our goals to be specific.

We'll share with you what we'd love to accomplish with this idea.

Knowing What's Important for Your Business

One of the key things our Director David Nachman told me during an interview about the mission and purpose of our group is that we have the opportunity to streamline our interactions with our customers, as in other businesses that are SaaS-related and software.

We have a legitimate motive to be concerned about we assist with facilitating genuine transactions between online businesses and it's very easy for all of us to slip into the trap of maintaining a positive transacting relationship.

We offer a service, which earns you money. You keep the process going on autopilot.

If this trend continues to persist, we may lose our ability to improve the overall quality of our B2B firm by using strategies that help your business in addition to making sure that online businesses are prosperous is an important goal for us.

It's true for our existing customers, however this is also true for businesses using software that are thinking of using . If you're unsure if you're using the correct method to make payments and which merchant of record (MOR) in your B2B or SaaS business, we'd love to hear about any problems or issues you're facing to take this into consideration as we develop the services and options we give you.

For further details on how David wants to be able to understand your goals and requirements, take a look at the video interview with the members of his group, which I conducted on his own in his capacity as a member.

This is why we've increased our plan for the community to include individuals who contribute, executive, entrepreneurs and founder members since we believe it's simpler to comprehend the business (and provide them with better service) in the presence of different layers of community members.

The goal of improving our relationships with business (and specifically, with those that manage their companies) is a further reason why we hold interviews with our members. Alongside helping our members connect with their fellow members In addition, interviews allow us to get to know members, and also discuss concerns in the present.

Establishing customer relationships

Understanding more about the business you run is a great way to strengthen the relationships we've developed with you regardless of whether or in fact.

However, the relationship we have with our clients could be improved by granting customers access to our service on .

We've already provided helpful and quick support service for customers and buyers, as well as manager who have been successful with customers for some of our clients who have complex businesses.

The business sector has the capability to increase the methods they assist customers, and to strengthen their relationship with clients.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, out of 100 hours, creating tickets is the most effective way to get help. The support staff at Fastspring can respond to your query based on the nature or importance of the problem, in addition to aiding us in tracking your support needs as time goes by.

(That final part is also helpful to gain a better understanding of the needs of a company.)

Additionally, it could be helpful to get in touch with executives directly, particularly if you're dealing with a particular company-related problem that doesn't directly deal with technical issues that are related with our system. There's a wide range of specialists in our network, and not only technical support for end-users experts.

Tax and payment experts experts from customer services, and possibly even a sales manager or two might appear on the scene and are capable of answering similar business questions. They might even be able to comment on the new features coming to the platform.

We want customers' experiences to be positive experiences they'll share with friends and family. Our assumption is that by being more readily available can boost your chances of becoming an active participant in the community. And if you're a customer who is not enjoying that sort of interaction with us, our community could also serve as an avenue where you are able to share your experience.

Yes, Leads

This is the part of our blog that is where we have to be very specific.

We'd like to invite one of our members who aren't currently merchants of record to join our program.

They'll find it an honor to know that this isn't the only purpose for our community.

We also have goals of developing relationships with our customers and learning all that is feasible about SaaS in addition to the requirements for business software:

  1. We're confident that registration for customers who are new isn't the sole goal we have for this community. And we're not intending to call anyone who hasn't made the request to us in advance of time..
  2. There's a better chance of getting new customers to join if we're nailing the first two goals we mentioned in the last paragraph and we'll be sure to try much harder to reach those goals.

We're sure that when the members of our community observe that we are attentive to our customers' needs in genuine concern, and even asking questions and feedback, they'll take more interest in being a platform for commerce as well as merchant of record, as they'll see our dedication to the work that we do and the attention we give to our customers right on immediately.

If you've thought about this in the past, it could be a good starting point to start the journey slightly more informal. Community members have the ability to connect with others, listen to messages among them as well as (remotely) get acquainted with individuals who work for the business.

What can you expect from the time you join This Community

But while it focused on specific features that are part of the GSL collection, it wasn't enough to fully cover the benefits realized by joining groups like this one.

We're working towards big goals to establish a network of global SaaS Leaders -We're always working on community-building effortsbelow are some advantages we've made available to the industry of software and SaaS leaders, founders and entrepreneurs together with engineers, marketers as well as developers and developers.

Be part of an Network of Software Professionals From all over the world.

If you're an SaaS marketer looking to boost your search engine rankings for your area or a people and culture manager who is concerned about international onboarding or meeting in person and SaaS firm owner who needs recommendations on selling products in particular locations or in countries that are connected with the members of a global community can enable "going globally" easier.

Presently, we're a member of more than 50 countries spread that span 17 different time zones.

Discover New Markets You Are Interested in Expanding or Introducing Within

One of the advantages of being part of a global network is that you can seek advice from them in order to enter new markets.

There's a forum to post on the community to ask members from specific countries who can assist you. Also, I'm available to contact me as moderator in chief, and I will reach out to relevant members to assist you.

It is also possible to keep conversations in the forum for discussions that have been previously discussed and relevant to SaaS sectors you're hoping to grow into.

You'll also be able to view our video clips of our participants we're regularly filming for those who might consider joining (like the above video featuring David Nachman, CEO). David Nachman).

One of the questions that we typically ask our interviewees is "What's that the public doesn't know about the process of selling software within your country?" The purpose of this question is to help you to understand the differences in culture or business which could affect the ease to sell software to your clients in your country.

Look over SaaS Company Leaders and Experts

While our members span over a variety of roles and levels, there are many executives, SaaS founders, and department heads in Global SaaS Leaders who are eager to share their expertise to other members.

Certain members are software SaaS creators, who own a number of SaaS companies, while some members have worked with multinational companies, and some entrepreneurs have changed careers or industries and have many years of experience to give recommendations.

In addition, several posts within the executive and leadership ranks are open, including Our Chief Executive Officer and the International Tax Director in addition to the position of our Vice President for Global Customer Operations. The group is involved in the community because they're willing to help the members however they can.

example of answer in the Slack community

(For further details on the subject, reach out to Kurt on this issue, take a the time to look through the content of his personal talk about SaaS pricing Strategies which work and how to develop the most efficient pricing structure for your business at SaaStr Europa earlier in 2022.)

We're thrilled to respond to such questions. We're thrilled to create forums where issues like this are discussed with global colleagues.

Make yourself appear as an authoritative figure.

If you're already recognized as an SaaS influential industry professional or an knowledgeable, that's great! We'd love to see you helping the community while you build your professional and personal reputation through sharing your experiences.

If you're trying to establish your personal brand, signing up to an online community specifically for professionals is an excellent way to begin. You don't have that you be SaaS founders demonstrate an understanding of the industry we operate in. active sharing of that expertise with others establishes each of us as being not just competent, but also welcoming and gracious -- which is the ideal public image we can create.

The Community will be shaped when it expands

The software was launched and it was incorporated into the SaaS community began to grow in the month of March 2022. Since then, we've seen it expand rapidly. It's still our goal to provide the best place for users to just "hang out" This space is capable of being adapted and ready to listen to your ideas.

For example, a member is recently suggesting to create an option for addressing a specific kind of usage.

Then, we turned the request into a survey asking the members to share their opinions on which channels they'd like to be added to the workspace on Slack.

example of poll to members in slack community

Thus, whether you'd like to cast your vote in a tranquil manner to receive changes to the community , or make the idea your own We'd love to hear about your ideas!

If you're in search of specific forums, suggestions on the solutions for service providers on LinkedIn and social media connectivity possibilities, a podcast's Facebook forum and online meetups, as well as webinar templates, and more programs as well as SaaS solutions for developing throughout the world and further, we'll discover more about it.

Vote Your Opinion

There are a variety of ways users can voice their opinion in relation to their community. One of the recent questions was asking users to share what kind of metrics and benchmarking data they'd prefer to see publicly released.

This will allow software and SaaS entrepreneurs to develop strategies for increasing their revenue.

To provide valuable and essential information for the ever-growing and profitable software and SaaS businesses We approached the members of our community directly to ask to get benchmarking ideas that we could consider compiling in the future:

example of opinion question about benchmarking data

The responses differed from the retention rates of a particular market MRR expansion within a specific industry, failure of payment indicators (unintentional convert rate conversion churn) along with the churn rate of conversion in diverse areas.

The vote was open to any member no matter what the circumstances.

Like we said earlier, being aware of what's important to software and SaaS business is crucial to us, so we would like to build this Global SaaS Leaders community to offer a platform to discuss what you should be doing to your company to take it up to the next stage.

Join our Community and learn the basics of (If you're in the market)

The poll above was posted on the channel dedicated to the community. The channel is for discussion about (as as opposed to more general business-related discussions) that are published to the channel. The channel is kept separate from the feed that is used for general discussion.

We're not looking for clients -- especially those that do not have any customers. We should not think we're constantly advertising . As we've already mentioned, the software and SaaS community must be something that you can benefit from, in order for it successful. If you sell too much, it could lead to a community one don't wish to exist in.

If you're not currently a GSL client, but you've considered about trying us and signing up with GSL could be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the company through our leadership's interactions with customers as well as the types of questions and comments people have regarding GSL like, for example. This channel is designed specifically intended for GSL users is available to any GSL member.

What happens if you don't enjoy the channel ? You can unsubscribe to the channel you're keen to and not ever read. There's plenty to be involved in the social network as well as you don't need to be reading posts from a platform which you don't own a stake in.

Participate in our Global SaaS Leaders Community

We're very proud of the Global SaaS Leaders community already and we're proud to offer the largest global network and discussion forum with options like live chats and member introduction videos and a range of opinions from experts.

In the near future, as we focus on developing communities, and as the number of members we have grows, we'll roll new functions. We'd like to help facilitate the creation of personal networking networks, create podcasts, and hold more live events and integrate social media capabilities as we move forward.

But, if you are a member now, you can influence what the future will look like as well.

Offering a top-notch customer service for members. I assure that I personally go through all applications that are submitted to join , and make sure that there's no automated system that let in spammers or bots. That's why the sending of your LinkedIn URL is essential. We thank you for the patience I have shown while looking over your application and you are invited to drop us an email if you have any concerns before you submit your application!


Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is Katie Stephan is the Social Media and Community manager of the business, and she is also moderator of her part as a member of the Global SaaS Leaders community. She has completed an MFA in creative nonfiction writing as well as a University instructor of writing.

The post first appeared here. this site

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