You must know the strategies to retain customers from Funk Roberts

Feb 6, 2025

4 Insane Strategies Funk Roberts Use to Boost the Retention, Engagement, and Revenue (PROOF INSIDE!)                                                                                             Reader Disclosure Reader Disclosure

Anyone who runs an online membership website keeping existing members is always been more challenging than finding new members. Although attracting new members is important however, ensuring they are engaged and committed to the site is a real game-changer.

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A higher retention rate means more predictability of income, more social connections and an increased and committed members. There are a myriad of ways to engage members online, but you'll never know how effective they are until you've tried them yourself.

That's why we sought out Funk Roberts, a well-known online fitness instructor and frequent member advocate. He was happy to talk about the techniques that have allowed him to improve retention, engagement and revenue.

        Here are the methods Funk Robert shared with us.        

1. The  Shared Rituals Strategy

Shared rituals are consistent and repeatable events that your participants take part in frequently, creating a strong sense of community and belonging. These rituals are like glue--they ensure that your members return and deepen their connection to the group.

Some of the key Benefits of this strategy include:

  • Develops a solid community culture
  • Inspires participation and engagement on a regular basis.
  • Retention and loyalty of members is increased.

What is this like in real life?

I run a membership program called " Over 40 Alpha." It's an exercise and health membership program for males over the age of 40, 50, 60, and above. I have several shared rituals within this program to ensure that the participants are committed to the goal as well as the group.

  • Sweaty Selfies: Members post pictures after every workout, sharing their dedication and inspiring others to do the same.
  • Alpha Meal Posts: Members share photos of their meals and break them down into macro components in order to increase accountability and inform members of the community.
  • Birthday Burpees For birthdays, members film themselves doing burpees in line with their birthday. It's fun, challenging, and creates a shared celebration within the local group.

How can you implement such shared rituals for your participants?

  • Find the key behaviors or activities that align with your Tribe's members' goals.
  • Create easy-to-follow prompts or hashtags to encourage participants.
  • Highlight these rituals in the onboarding material to establish expectations right from the start.

When you incorporate these common rituals and rituals, you'll create an exciting and engaging atmosphere that your members don't want to quit.

2. "Identity Crafting" Technique

The art of understanding your market's target customers is more than just knowing their demographics; it's about truly grasping their desires goals, challenges, and hopes. They don't simply want to buy a item or a service. They desire to be part of something greater.

In creating a distinctive and distinctive identity for your community, you'll give participants an identity and satisfaction in the person they are becoming as a result of your programs.

Many people are looking to become part of an organization, they want to feel valued and respected. In addition, they want to be part of something bigger that is bigger than them.

The benefits of this technique are:

  • Creates a strong sense belonging
  • Differentiates your membership from competitors
  • Increases engagement and increases loyalty

With the program Over 40 Alpha the participants aren't simply signing up to a fitness club, they are being transformed into over 40 Alphas. It is a symbol of the strength of commitment, dedication as well as transformation. Everything, from the rituals to the way of speaking, reinforces this identity, creating a badge honour.

How can you ensure the same sense of feelings to your employees:

  • Develop a distinct identity that resonates with your audience's aspirations.
  • Include this image into your content, rituals, and communications.
  • Continuously reinforce this identity through stories, testimonials, and interactions with the community.

As members assume their own identity, which is aligned with their objectives They become more engaged to the group, thus increasing retention.

The 'Insider Language' Method

Every tribe that is successful has its own language - a secret handshake that separates those who belong to the tribe from others. Developing unique phrases, slogans or hand signals that only your community uses will create a sentiment of belonging and exclusiveness. The insider dialect helps create an exclusive and difficult-to-copy culture.

Some of the key benefits of this method include:

  • It fosters a sense of exclusivity and insider position.
  • Community bonds are strengthened.
  • Encourages long-term retention through making the members feel part of something special.

Within Over 40 Alpha, there are members with phrases like:

  • GID (Get It Done! ): Our rallying cry that reinforces our commitment to action and persistence.
  • "Smell The Rose": An opportunity to remember to breath, pause and appreciate the journey.

They're more than just catchy slogans They are element of the tribal DNA. They help create a community where members feel like they are part of something special and distinct, something they'd like to stay in.

How do you make this happen to your employees:

  • Develop unique phrases or terms that represent your community's beliefs and goals.
  • Apply these words consistently across your website, email messages as well as events.
  • Inspire members to incorporate these words on their messages and posts.

A shared language can create the feeling of a community individuals are proud to be a part of, which directly impacts retention.

4. The "Transformation Journey" Framework

One of the most effective ways to boost retention is by guiding members through a transformation journey by providing clear goals, rewards and support from the community. This gives them a reason to remain and keep progressing within your membership.

The main benefits of this framework include:

  • Keeps members motivated and engaged.
  • Provides a clear path for you to follow, helping reduce the confusion and overwhelm.
  • Encourages continuous membership renewal.

What is the best way to use it: Craft a path that will lead to transformation with each participant starting with a specific point, and then is guided to their objectives, by your assistance each step.

Here's what I do for my program:

  • Milestones: Create signposts throughout the journey to mark your progress (for example, Milestone T-shirts, which participants of Over 40 Alpha Over 40 Alpha program earn at the end of each phase of the "One Year To Alpha" journey).
  • Rewards Reward accomplishments to motivate the next steps.
  • Community Support Make sure that nobody walks on this journey without support by encouraging a sense of encouragement and support.

How can you implement this model for your staff members:

  • Map out a clear, step-by-step path for member change.
  • Establish milestones of significance which are recognized with reward points.
  • Maintain a steady community of support with the group's challenges, checks-ins and encouragement.

Implementing a transformation journey framework provides a reason to the members to stick around. The members are constantly moving towards the goal they have set and receive tangible benefits.

In Summary

The retention of members is the foundation for any membership company that is successful. We hope this blog has helped you understand Fun Roberts's essential strategies for improving the retention of members and increase engagement. Through implementing these four tactics--shared rituals, identity Crafting and Insider Language and a transformation journey--you will be able to cultivate a thriving community that increases retention and, ultimately, the revenue.

Are you willing to step up your membership to the next step?

Learn more about the strategies listed above and many more using the Tribe Secrets The Tribe SecretsThe 27 Psychological Strategies To transform your business into a Family of Loyal Customers . Uncover All 27 Strategies and Start Building Your Legacy Today!

Here's to creating the kind of community in which everyone is considered a vital piece of the puzzle, contributing to your success and that of theirs.

        Do It! Done!        

        Your Friend and Coach,        

        Funk Roberts        

        the Tribe's Membership Coach        

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