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Sep 14, 2022

But wait a second... Which do you intend to make?

Deciding on the area you want to concentrate your efforts on can be a challenge, but we're here to help. We've created a four-step step guide that can help you design and distribute the appropriate material for your company.

1. Look in the mirror

Your choice of a specialty is contingent in large part on the areas you have expertise. Do you have a great knowledge of specific areas, such as cooking gambling, investing or cooking? What are you most interested to do in your free time? What are you passionate about?

By keeping the responses to these questions in mind You'll be able to have a better picture of the things you're bringing to the table. You can then dive deeper into the topics that interest you the most while excluding those that you're less interested in. Take a look at the Product Creation Masterclass on CreatorU to refine your product ideas.

2. Explore your competition

Once you've picked an overall topic, create an inventory of the terms and buzzwords that someone could be using to explain the topic. Then go to Google and do some research. You'll learn what other online businesses are doing to market in this field and also see their top selling products. This can give you insights into the strategies of profitable businesses in your area, as well as help you stay clear of an over-saturated market.

Take a look at The "Zero to Selling" Training Webinar for CreatorU to get more detailed guidance.

3. Find your niche on the market

After researching similar businesses, look for gaps in content and solutions to solve customer problems that aren't currently being addressed by your potential competitors. Maybe, for example, your specialty is teaching people cooking at the home. There are a lot of cooking blogs out there for free, but how many of them offer individual meal plans? Do any of them offer specific diets?

Your business should go after an area of the market which requires the expertise and knowledge of your employees. The more targeted the market is, the more pertinent people will discover your information and offerings. Check out the video Finding Your Hook at CreatorU to find out more.

4. Put your plan into action

After you've narrowed what you're good at, assessed your competition, and found the right niche for you, it's time to build your website and selling your products on . Visit The 1 Page Masterclass on CreatorU for more information on building your sales pages.

Are you interested in more courses like the ones that we have shared? Register for CreatorU today for exclusive access to guides that are expertly written and courses from well-known creators.

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